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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Cool, uploading pics of my ass now.
  2. Shouldn't the pics on the main page rotate once in awhile?
  3. Taking three grandkids to Toys R Us is quite the experience.
  4. Let me consider that option, that might be a great idea. As a mod you cant ignore me, so I can go all out and get my warning points without offending the other peeps. I will get back to you on this.
  5. This is going to be epic. If I get the.points I win. If I don't I get to keep pushing. I may have to start a special thread for this.
  6. Tonik

    Cleveland IMS

    No metal detectors but lots of signs banning forks.
  7. WTF did you do to get those? I have been trying for years.
  8. Change the mobile drop-down menu back. You nuked our access to our custom activity menu.
  9. Tonik

    Cleveland IMS

    Coat check confirmed. I am here.
  10. Tonik

    Cleveland IMS

    Just so you asians dont get out of line, I have a black belt.
  11. I am not voting until Windsor is a choice.
  12. FYI, in moblie if you hit the OR logo up top ot takes you to the home page.
  13. You have to be at the home page, not a forum or thread page or activity page.
  14. We got 1 and 28 but where are the other 26 wolfmen?
  15. BTW, this is how you report an issue. An accurate description of the problem and pics if possible.
  16. I am seeing this too in both IE, Edge and Chrome. It was not like that earlier today. See below, left and right of my little icon are the missing items. They are there, just the color does not contrast enough to actually see them.
  17. That seems to be working for me. tyvm
  18. Tonik

    Cleveland IMS

    All events there always do. But there is always a first time for anything.
  19. Temporarily, he needs to set it back up.
  20. Need something up there to fill the space, since you need the ad on the right side to pay the bills.
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