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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Maybe Casper works on it for them? Sorry, couldn't resist. That was too easy. Ok, and I'm not sorry.
  2. So someone asked me about heated gear, and in getting them links I found out something interesting about Gerbings, which is what I have. Gerbings was originally started by a guy named, coincidentally, Gordon Gerbings. In 2000 he sold the company and shortly afterwards they started making some of their stuff in China. They had a bad run of jacket liners and had a recall on them. I have one of the recalled liners, they fixed it up and it has been fine. But very recently, can't tell for sure when, Gerbings changed their name to Glyde Supply. http://gydesupply.com/ And Mr. Gerbings is back and goes out of his way to talk about how much the new folks suck. http://gordonsheated.com/ I don't know what this means, must have been a legal fight and they both ended up having to use different names.
  3. Yep. That assumes your battery connections are good. And since you just had them off I am sure you looked and they are clean. Sorry for the extra effort, but bad new batteries are not that common.
  4. Perhaps. Start it and make sure it is charging. It should be over 14V when running. And do Tim's test too, humor us.
  5. How many volts when it is running and rev it up a bit too.
  6. Genius. I already have my stream as a shortcut on my phone's homescren. Never thought to exit and just hit that again. Thats two presses, nice and easy. Thanks
  7. Its all owned by a big investment firm. I wouldn't expect any major changes. They will streamline line it, cut costs a bit, boost the value and sell it.
  8. To get back to last unread you hit the star or circle next to the thread title. If it is a thread that you have read then you under it and to the left where it shows how long ago the last post was made...like where it says '1 hour ago' The view you are looking for is under streams. You can customize it if the premade ones dont make you happy. Yea, getting out of a thread requires a couple of clicks....to get to the custom stream you made.
  9. Makes sense. Safari is made by apple, it will work better on an iphone. Meanwhile I am using Chrome on Android here and it is fine.
  10. Nothing in settings will impact that, maybe clear cache. I would download another browser. What kind of phone?
  11. Answering questions helps justify my contempt and hatred for those people.
  12. Hit the little star or circle next to the thread title.
  13. FYI, if anyone wants their balls cut off I will do it for free.
  14. Glow in the dark collars are far less than that. Although not as cool.
  15. My next door neighbor had a great experience with MPH when he wrecked his shit.
  16. I believe I have been very clear that I think Casper sucks, but this is one of those once in a millennium occasions where he isn't to blame. There are a million web browsers on a million different operating systems and devices all with different screen sizes being used by a million different people with different preferences on what they want to see. It is impossible to create a website that can account for all of those combinations. I see this almost everyday with users at work. I have googled this issue on the software that Casper is using. There isn't anything the incompetent one can do about this that I can find. That is the nature of software and the interwebs, you never get a perfect solution for everyone. The previous version we had here didn't have this problem, I get that, but it had a boatload of other problems. Far more got fixed than broken. And honestly, this isn't broken, it is just an annoyance. On Android, take a look at Dolphin browser, they have an add on that you can toggle to force the desktop version. It also has gestures that will flip you back to the top of the page quickly. That may help.
  17. I dont know the details but you can get the temps extended an extra 15 days. Ask the BMV. If you dont get the title the State Attorney Generals office will drop a big hammer on the dealer for you for free.
  18. I just signed up for the free 30 day trial of Prime for the shipping. Put the Amazon app on my Xbox. Spent about 20 minutes looking for a movie and decided their selection sucked. Have not looked at it again. And the two things I ordered so far took longer than two days to get here. They can blow me, gonna cancel.
  19. Tonik

    FS: Kahr CM9

    Make him toss in the Top Gun poster.
  20. Well, it seems you are not the player you claim to be then.
  21. There is a go kart stripper place with mini bowling in Windsor. Just sayin'
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