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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. 2PM signing, I want to be there early that is the way I roll. So an early lunch nearby...or a really early lunch outside of town.
  2. Can't find it, link or hints please.
  3. Will do, don't have the official schedule yet. Mike's peeps are calling my peeps tomorrow.
  4. He owes me since I talked you into taking his low ball offer.
  5. And fuck all of you that said this would never be done. I on the other hand will be hanging with the Governor Friday when he signs this bill into law. The law will go into effect 90 days after he signs it. Thank you all for the help, it has been a fun ride.
  6. Excellent, in that case consider me 'in'.
  7. Before everyone freaks out about his first post being a for sale post. This is the guy that bought Pauly's FZ. Welcome aboard sir, happy to have you.
  8. You need to stop dicking around and move on this. Lawyer up, file the police report and contact the Ohio AG's office. First thing in the morning. This guy is going to spend that money and take the company into bankruptcy real fast.
  9. Without a guarantee of quality lube I don't see how I can declare myself as "in" for this event.
  10. Sam always supplied the lube. Are you?
  11. I may get a dog just so I can have this.
  12. Only one party needs to know and you so not have to tell the other party.
  13. So I was just asking when/if it was going to be signed. He has not signed it, he has until March 4th or so to sign it. He also has not indicated if he is going to sign or veto. I can not for the life of me imagine he is going to veto but it wouldn't hurt to drop him a note saying sign it please. https://governor.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/governor/contact
  14. I was going to have it coated in brass and put on a chain to wear around my neck. Unfortunately it had to be sent out for pathology.
  15. They were returning my call.
  16. I road that bike like I did for 75 thousand miles so and did just fine. I will text you the number of the doc that removed my ball, he will give it to you. You need it.
  17. This hits at the core of our current political crisis. Kasich wasn't 'right enough' to get the nomination last time, so now we got Trump. Our nomination process does not reflect the needs of the country, it reflects the needs of the extremists in each party. At this point we may end up having to choose between Trump and Bernie. That is no choice.
  18. Governor's office just called me.
  19. Thanks Trump for bringing back Hope Hicks. She is cute and drives Dems crazy.
  20. As you know by the pic on your phone of my one remaining nut that is not an issue. If you are still unsure ask The Whale. It knows very well which of us have bigger balls.
  21. I did have a bladder stone removed recently. They found it when they cut my nut off.
  22. Not around the 19th is my vote. Got Stones tickets.
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