He does not have his yet, he got the fancy ones with speakers so he has to wait.
I am surprised, they are WAY more comfortable than foam ones. I always found foam ones to have pressure points and be somewhat annoying. Not terrible and I always wore them but they annoyed me a bit
These are almost not even there. They feel snug but it is a uniform snugness and not excessive. They also don't go as far into your ear as foam.
That said, I have not worn them for a full day yet.
They are far more effective, I just tried both. Got out on my helmet and fired up ICE Cubes Check Ya Self and music volume is down a bit but not a lot. I was never running music at full volume so I am not worried about that, I have room to turn it up.
If you are full blast now you may want to go the route that John did.
Got mine for free cuz I got that ear plug law changed.