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Everything posted by wht_scorpion

  1. I already got my saddle bags and barrel bag out now I have to get the blue paints tape.
  2. wht_scorpion

    Pa chl

    Cool cant wait need to get out of the state for a couple of hours
  3. wht_scorpion

    Pa chl

    Here the app for Erie pa carry conceal permit http://www.eriecountygov.org/dept/sheriff/pdf/ECLTC10_08.pdf
  4. I had a drunk drive pull a U turn right in front of me off the shoulder on a highway when I was a young man. And my left knee hit the rear of the truck. which cause me to get ACL.
  5. Yeah but here you do that in this state you are fucked
  6. Sorry to hear hope you heal fast
  7. wht_scorpion

    Pa chl

    I check the web and they said they did under one of gun sites they had a list of who don't and who does issue non res permits here the site http://www.pafoa.org/
  8. wht_scorpion

    Pa chl

    And some pa county wont issue non res ccw http://www.pafoa.org/
  9. wht_scorpion

    Pa chl

    Nope they change the laws inperson now
  10. A good holster for the 380 is a cross breed http://www.crossbreedholsters.com/MiniTuck/tabid/91/List/0/ProductID/6/CategoryID/1/Level/1/Default.aspx?SortField=ProductName,ProductName
  11. I see its like a fanny bag but gos in side the pants. How do you sit down in public with out the gun teabags or ride your bike. LMAO oh I like the short bus
  12. Great my balls will become a back stop for the bullet LOL
  13. Thats right Im from NY dumb bastards Who writes the dumb ass laws their
  14. This holster will take out your johnson if you have a accident. How do you sit down without hurt the other peace you carry
  15. Congrats Thats what I carry Now you need to get a can of skols chew you will fit right in with the hillbillys
  16. wht_scorpion

    Pa chl

    I will be work all night could we stop at cablias on the way back from PA
  17. http://youtu.be/zCZOoOtC26Q http://youtu.be/S7Ihi8jRe0k http://youtu.be/VMR88NrIUmI Thing for people that go on long trips on your bike
  18. wht_scorpion


    Welcome need pic of the bike.
  19. Hayabusa riders just come out of the wood works on here
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