I had a drunk drive pull a U turn right in front of me off the shoulder on a highway when I was a young man. And my left knee hit the rear of the truck. which cause me to get ACL.
I check the web and they said they did under one of gun sites they had a list of who don't and who does issue non res permits here the site http://www.pafoa.org/
A good holster for the 380 is a cross breed http://www.crossbreedholsters.com/MiniTuck/tabid/91/List/0/ProductID/6/CategoryID/1/Level/1/Default.aspx?SortField=ProductName,ProductName
I see its like a fanny bag but gos in side the pants. How do you sit down in public with out the gun teabags or ride your bike. LMAO oh I like the short bus