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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. No fucking way to this thread, two very well known cars in our lil scene change hands this week...weird. Or did Shanton keep the dub and buy the Vette?
  2. If you find you like a Spec-V, I would advise against getting an 02 if you can. They were more problematic than the rest of them.
  3. Just watch it if you want a good mind-fuck. I never finished it...but I really should. Oh and take notes while you watch, there's so much information(wether it be true or not...)that you may want to take notes just to get a grasp of everything. Very good way to spend 2.something hours.
  4. Posted for all the Nissan fanboys. Hope someone enjoys it...oh and by the way...7:38 is pretty dang quick if you ask me.
  5. Oh..fun...lol. Don't push a lot of boost on it then I suppose. Go to http://www.ohionissans.com and see what they can tell you. I don't know much about the 1.6 liter.
  6. What exactly do you want advice on? Which engine does the car have...sr20? What are you using to tune? Get rid of the air/fuel ratio gauge and get a wideband.
  7. First one just made me say wtf...second one had me lol'ing haha
  8. Yeah, I would assume that the headlights being like that violated some sort of ordinance or some BS like that. And they probably changed the front end to cut back on cost, seeing as how the black lines on the prototype were carbon fiber.
  9. Ah sweet, I hope theyre clear enough to post.
  10. http://www.rsportscars.com/foto/10/gtrproto05_05.jpg Should have kept this front end...
  11. Well it is October, so obviously there will be millions of bats everywhere...haha no really tho that is pretty cool. I woulda tried to catch it and scare lil kids with it lol.
  12. haha i just logged on and saw this thread. ive been doing a lil research of my own, and i remember my buddy from high school thats already owned 3 wrx's used to talk about that site all the time.
  13. http://www.nasioc.com i have heard is a good one
  14. Just ask the OSU 3rd string QB...
  15. No spam, just a postsecret.com ripoff. Lets set up a CR spam attack! Haha I bet Sam and Linn could think up some great posts for that place
  16. Bigbird


    Guys...take it easy on him. We all know... teh innanets= serius bidnuss
  17. I would be buying this...if it wasnt for the miles...bummer dude.
  18. Bigbird

    safc II

    I have one...but I'm not sure about getting rid of it yet. But if the price is right... So let me know how much he's looking to spend.
  19. And it was to Stanford none the less...wasnt it?
  20. Ok...seriously...like...uhh, fuck. ALKJFOMEFSOJEALKNAW Thats seriously all I can say...well except for...if shit like this gets these fuckers off, why in the HELL would you chop it all the way off? Then they cant please themselves anymore, so theyre fucked...what the fuck...
  21. Did you come into the mall area from Sancus and whip around the corner towards Rave?
  22. LMAO!! Did you just go there?? Whats worse? That you said it, or that I know what you're talking about?
  23. HAHAHA WTF?! I think I just saw you today up at Polaris driving your Miata...and now you have a new car...I'm so confused.
  24. Woah woah woah, I saw one of these (G37) on Sancus yesterday morning...omg probably the best sounding import I have ever heard(stock I mean).
  25. I'm really sorry to hear this Bill...:/ I was hoping she was finally better. It really isnt fair how the world works. Has she tried any "home remedies" or anything like that? Or has all of her treatment been solely medical...if that makes sense. I dont know if there even is anything to strange remedies, but sometimes you gotta try anything you can..sorry man.
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