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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. I kinda thought the 4 exhaust pipes took that crown
  2. Lol not to threadjack. But it's at Bret's right now. He was gonna do some work on it, but I might have to store it before he can get to it.
  3. So you're admitting Michigan fans are dumb? Thank you!
  4. Did anyone else hear him say..."Ohio's agriculture is baised on grains" hahahahahahahahahahahaha I think I pissed off my neighbors by laughing so loud hahahaha.
  5. anyone know if these would rub in the rear on an 87 IROC?
  6. I don't really know much about the original. I actually have a II, and from my knowledge the only difference with the neo is that it can control vtec, and has more inciments for tuning.
  7. Shit...give me a couple weeks or so and I'll buy it lol.
  8. *Still faster, even with your added 2 seconds...cause I mean, I'm sure every media outlet in the world would love to completely print something false by saying it did it in 7:38
  9. http://www.supercars.net/Pics?vpf2=y&gID=3&fID=0&tID=10073&mID=1384471&l=d Yes...if by 7 minutes dead you mean 7 minutes and 43 seconds, then it TOTALLY did that!
  10. Your first mistake was going out of your way for a girl...it RARELY gets you anywhere. Or maybe I'm just an angsty 19 year old
  11. Bigbird

    I Am Legend

    If this movie interests you, check out http://www.afterworld.tv It's a kind of mini series using flash animations...that arent really animated. Its just kinda still frames that move slightly. Now while that may sound lame, it's the story that makes up for it. Quick synopsis, guy wakes up in New York city while there for work. No one is around, nothing works as far as electronics go, and he has no way to contact his family which he feels he has neglected by working too much. The episodes are all 2-3minutes long and follow his journey across the united states as he makes his way from coast to coast. It's really pretty sweet.
  12. I might be getting my mini DV one back soon. Not the best camera in history, its got nightshot though. I wouldnt really be willing to sell...more willing to tag along on some hunts
  13. haha I lol'd. After the penis chopping video, nothing affects me anymore
  14. Man...I wanted to buy that car
  15. Bigbird

    94 rx7

    Hey man, if you do end up parting out, how much would you want for your single turbo set up? As a whole, and then just for the turbo, maybe manifold...hell idk how rx-7's work, I'm just asking for a friend.
  16. Bigbird


    Very clean 3rd Gen!!! It's great to have another one around...now if only we could mix the go of my car, and the cleanliness of yours...that would rock
  17. You're right...T28. My bad...I posted that at 5am after getting home from work...and posted in the consumer reports section instead of the tech help section lol...my bad again. Ok let me refraise this, he wanted to know what kind to get, and where he could get a decent deal on it. I think he realizes it wont be "cheap".
  18. Why hello thar! So a buddy of mine has an FD with a blown turbo. Doesn't take the car above 4000rpm's right now so he can still drive it...no daily :doh: He was asking me what kind of turbo he should get if he wants to convert to a big single turbo setup. Now, I don't know much about turbo's outside of what you should or shouldnt use on a Nissan Sentra lol. So here I am asking you CR, what kind of turbo should he get? He is looking for something that would be capable of 600whp in the future(he doesn't intend to push that kind of power right now...its pretty much a stock car). And he is also looking to get one on the cheap, so if you have any suggestions on where to get a good deal...that would be much appreciated as well. Oh and he's selling a Nissan T25 turbo off of a Nissan Skyline GTS-T if anyone is interested...lol.
  19. I'm under 21...so I figure it would just be a tease if I went there
  20. Wen't to Applebee's tonight with some buddies, expecting the same great experience I have had in the past...yeah not so much. Stood at the door for 20 minutes while there were 8 tables open. Watched them sit parties of 2 at booths and large round tables, while there were smaller tables and booths available. Once we were seated all 3 of the people in my party asked for water, two of us asked for no lemon...we all got lemon. Then a girl(not our waiter) came and practically threw our silverwear on the table and walked away. I ordered a cowboy burger cooked medium, without the onion ring. My buddies ordered an order of onion rings, and an order of nachos. I was going to split the nachos with my one buddy, thinking that...hey theyre an appetizer, so I could munch on that before the meal. Nope...they bring the appetizers out at the same time as the burger. Which had the onion ring on it(which I requested to not be put on), and it was cooked medium-well(and thats being nice). Now for the straw that broke the camels back. Our waiter came back ONE time to check on us and give us more water, I held my glass out for him to fill up after he had filled up my friends'...and he just walked away. This was complete BS, now if we had been acting like tools I could understand this kind of treatment, but we acted no different from anyone else and were polite. Having worked in the resturant business I would never imagine treating a guest the way I/we were treated. No tip for him and an F on CR will suffice for me...
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