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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. Oh and with the video, def wait till like the las 30 seconds and listen to what all has gone wrong with the car.
  2. http://videos.streetfire.net/video/2421093d-d063-4ea5-89b3-98a500aa04d9.htm Watch this, idk it's probably an isolated incident. But I just figured you should see this if you're thinking of buying one.
  3. Damn dude, thats really lucky if yours is there. And with that, I really hope your Nova is there. I can't imagine what it would be like to have a car stolen(knocks on wood), so I can only give you my best wishes.
  4. Quoted for MOTHERFUCKING truth!!!
  5. Is this based on the comic from back in the mid 90's where superman did in fact die? Or is this something new? I dont know enough about comics lol.
  6. I'd rather see it done on a full interior daily driver...but I can still respect it non the less.
  7. My jaw is on the floor...I want one soooo bad!
  8. Keep your head up man, you'll get nothing but best wishes from me!
  9. Ok, what about the other things? Tranny, brakes, etc? Any idea how much a head would cost?
  10. Does it still run? Is it manual or auto? How is everything else, tranny, brakes, etc. And is all I would have to do is get a new head for it?
  11. LOL! Oh well then...I have NO CLUE who that guy wearing a Quaker shirt last weekend was...oops...
  12. That guard needs to step up. There was someone out there last weekend, and I mentioned the S2000 kid acting like a jackass to him. And he blew it off like I was just some punk kid.
  13. Dude, your kids are friggin awesome! Oh and lets not forget that your daughter knows more about cars than probably half the people there!
  14. Aight man, I'll give you a call tomorrow evening. It's supposed to rain between 4-8pm I hear, and since I don't have windsheild wipers, I might have to wait to do anything lol.
  15. I lose track...but being unemployed and lazy as hell will do that to you . Btw Stimmel, what are you and the gang doing tomorrow night?
  16. Holy dead thread Batman!
  17. Bigbird

    oh, whats up

    Yeah yeah, but the real question here is...is it stick? And if not, can she drive stick? Oh wait...my car is an auto...DOH!
  18. Bigbird

    oh, whats up

    Welcome to CR...in before the shit storm, although...things are looking quite tame thus far.
  19. Lol sorry guys...my bad. Momentary lapse in judgement.
  20. Thats because a lot of the burb cops seemingly have nothing better to do then hassle people for the smallest things. Please understand I'm not trying to dog on cops, I have nothing but respect for them, but if your going to yell at a kid for riding their bike on the sidewalk you need to reconsider your judgements.
  21. How ultimate is this ultimate double whopper? The western double whopper was pretty friggin amazing, I imagine that it's pretty hard to beat.
  22. I just threw up in my mouth a lil
  23. Yeah, and no fighting with your girlfriend...DOH :doh:
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