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Everything posted by Bigbird

  1. Speaking of...who heard about the Wisconson runningback?
  2. Thats baller, I would rock it.
  3. I agree, I have always wanted a C4 ZR1...maybe when I get old lol. I def dont think SS would be good, considering there has never been a Corvette SS, and yeah like you said, Z07 just isnt different enough.
  4. http://www.autoblog.com/2007/09/04/corvette-blue-devil-gets-a-familiar-name-zr1/ So apparently the new beast won't be SS, Bluedevil, or Z07. I can't believe ZR1 never came to my mind though...
  5. True..but I don't really think the Buckeyes are shooting for much of a title run this year...
  6. Lol still dont see anything...but I still like turtles.
  7. http://www.maniacworld.com/i-like-turtles.jpg I like turtles
  8. Dang man, yeah kinda looks like my old camaro when something like that happened to me. Jacked up my rear axle, some good body damage, popped off some interior panels, threw off the alignment to the point where the steering wheel was a good 80 degrees off to go straight, and some other stuff. All that happened to me was a concussion from hitting my head on where the t-top and window meet. My car was totalled, but then again it was only worth 4k at the time. Best of luck with everything, and def get your neck checked out soon. Neck injuries arent something to mess with...
  9. Shit man! I'm really sorry to hear that! But I'm glad youre ok, let us know what happened. When I was 17 I put my 92 Camaro into a concrete wall on the freeway...so I feel your pain man...
  10. Free bump for a great guy! OoOoOo! I know who you are! Hahaha its Love. When are you getting another car dude...
  11. PURTRE!!!! What it do, what it do!
  12. Awesome, thanks man. I need to invest in some of those
  13. Sam, what kind of tires were you running at trails? I realize your power output is way higher than mine, but I'm just curious.
  14. Ok, so I wasn't wrong when the first time I ever went to a track(national trails), that I thought it suuuucked.
  15. Well...maybe not anymore, but I'll always have this thread to remind me of the short time when I ruled CR
  16. I'm the only person online...you night crew people fail.
  17. Good point...but my only thing is, has he been doing this all summer? If not, and it's something he has just started doing, then I think it's a lil bit more possible than if he was just a lil tag along.
  18. Thats what I'm saying...he probably got caught doing something dumb, police looked at his car and said...well hmm...we've got a lil proposition for you..
  19. Damn this thread... I feel left out...
  20. I was under the impression that window tint was not something you could be pulled over and cited for. What I mean is, I thought that to get a ticket for window tint you had to be pulled over for one offence, and then they could rack the window tint on top of your first ticket.
  21. Shit man, the way you described it almost makes it sound like they set you up. Not trying to be some crazy conspiracy theorist here...but damn.
  22. wish my tags werent expired...or I had the money to take care of this problem...
  23. That has got to be incredibly physically demanding. Very cool!
  24. Hey, Tay is the shit...he was on best week ever
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