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Everything posted by noobiemcnooberson.

  1. or not completely letting off the throttle between shifts.
  2. Black face gauge Colin. Sorry guys i live in the stone age and don't have a smart phone with a data plan. I'll try and get pics from a friend. Let me know what's good
  3. Includes digital air/fuel gauge, wiring harness and Bosch wideband sensor. Works great no issues at all. Very easy to wire up, power and ground with two signal wires for outputs. 120$
  4. Bottle manufactured in 04. Will need hydrostatic testing before refilled when this fill is gone
  5. Part number is 20001-10 hitman efi kit. Includes 35,55,75 jets
  6. It is the wet efi single fogger kit. I believe the bottle was manufactured in 05 but I am not sure what I'm looking for as far as certification stamping. Jegs didn't question the bottle at all when I had it filled whether or not that means anything idk.
  7. I have a brand new in box Nitrous Express kit with 10lb bottle that was filled at Jegs. I also added a NX bottle pressure gauge. The kit has been opened to verify the contents. The kit has never been mounted to a car or used in any fashion. I'm remodeling my house and could use the extra money. 375$ obo
  8. Yes it is relatively easy to do on those clusters. Should be a couple how to bids on youtube
  9. Only if youre buying the coffee and donuts:lolguy:
  10. This pretty good points here. You don't know for sure that this is the end of the situation
  11. Would 65k plus cost of the bike be a close estimate to how much they have into that bike? Extremely badass wouldn't mind experiencing that a couple times
  12. Really dont see how his actions could be considered theft, if he keeps it dishonest sure, but not theft. He had no way of knowing who it belonged to. I wouldn't have left it with the store clerk either. I don't know the Orc in regards to the issue but if happened as described I don't see it falling under theft
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