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Everything posted by noobiemcnooberson.

  1. You can always change your mind.... Not saying he would but its apparent police aren't even gonna give him the option.
  2. With as much training as dorner had, he probably bugged out and set the fire as a diversion. Shame he will never get the opportunity to surrender police will kill him for sure .
  3. Plan B Virtual reality. Anything that Chris cole is in, dude is a shredding machine
  4. Does anyone know if any of the news organizations have followed up on the statements he's made in his manifesto? He's pretty damn detailed so it would be easy to check. Why not admit the lapd is in the wrong like he wants in an attempt to get the guy to turn himself in? I'm also disgusted by the conduct of those officers who shot up the women in the trucks. They need to be held accountable for their actions.
  5. Do yourself a favor and stay far away from the rodeo/passport. Your minimal mechanical skills are no match for the gigantic shit box that is a rodeo.
  6. Does holding in your morning poo until you get to work so you don't use your tp count as hustling? If so I hustle hard twice a day on average.
  7. Imstock2 if you're afraid of a fwd dsm; ill race you in my NA civic. No turbo , no spray no bitchassness.
  8. I'm really excited to see some new stuff go down at trails. Thanks for your efforts!
  9. Thanks. I agree with your view on the violent felony as well. People screw up but forgiving people who have proven to react aggressively and harm other is not going to contribute any type of positive image to the millions of responsible gun owners.
  10. Question: Can you have a felony on your record, sentence served but record not expunged, and still own a fire arm if the felony wasn't drug or violence related? Is that a federal law? I've gotten so many conflicting answers I don't know what to think. A attorney I know said it doesn't appear to be an issue depending on exact circumstances but he said to talk to a gun dealer to be sure because they would have more in depth knowledge of the gun laws than he did? I know there's no way you could get a ccw unless your record was expunged, I'm just talking the legality of purchasing a fire arm.
  11. 45 at most on flat ground with mods on stock motor. Not bad for a 49cc motor that's rated at 5 hp
  12. Is that the typical price range these guns go for? Not trying to start anything just genuinely uninformed and curious. I've always wanted one of these to go with my other ww2 items
  13. If anyone is concerned about their wording or content , there is a generic letter on ruger.com just fyi
  14. What the hell are those things? What engine is that?
  15. Bump I miss mine like crazy. Wish I could find a white one again
  16. ERL must have different guys putting the v8 stuff together than their import stuff lately. Lots of unhappy import guys with erl builds right now, incorrectly clearances and dropped sleeves.
  17. Can you post a little more info on the racing you do in circleville? Or a link. That seems like it would be worth checking into, I miss riding
  18. I'm very against frivolous lawsuits but I believe they have a legitimate case here. Complete lack of training, respect and certainly health issues are a concern in this matter.
  19. Which size is that sand blast cabinet? Somewhat interested
  20. I feel like Dover was onto something with his corvette. This just took the concept a step further.
  21. This is not street legal as it sits correct? But can be made street legal? Very cool .
  22. I was wondering the same thing. I saw a professional photographer taking pictures at the start but I don't know his company or anything. Older guy in a white shirt. Anybody happen to know?
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