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Everything posted by granda080

  1. Fz6. Buy Corbin Street-fighter and lady seat. All set.
  2. I'm still waiting for my surgical consult to discuss what exactly their course of action will be. It's great to hear most benefit from having it done.
  3. Timin8Tr I really don't want to do surgery but I will likely end up having to do so as my INS will suck after Sept 1. It will cover very few chiropractic visits. Pauly, I am greatly disappointed in the result of ACA. It will cost me +150 a paycheck just to keep my insurance. Sadly we are told our insurance is on the top 22%ile in cost and benefits. Which is fine except I work at a school which doesn't pay the greatest. I feel extra bad for my staff. I make a bit more then them. I ended up forgoing the raise I was given so that it could be given to some of our other teachers. It's just crazy.
  4. Thanks Tonik! I really wanted to wait until after September, but our company is changing it's insurance due to the "Affordable Care Act". If it get it done now it will cost me a total of $110.00. If I get it done after September 1, it will cost me $2500.00. After reading those threads it makes me optimistic about my future riding.
  5. So, I just got the news I have "severe carpal tunnel" and that will require surgery. I've always had some issues with my hand and strength/numbing issues, but this is dumb. When I was down at The Gap I had a moment that I hit the white line and the bars sort of jammed up my wrist. It hurt then and the next day I had some tingling in my hand. It stayed the next few days but didn't really bother me. I then ended up riding back, due to unforeseen circumstances, and by the end of that ride my thumb and hand was in pain. That pain hasn't left and has just contined to get worse. My reason of posting is twofold: 1: I'm pretty sure my riding season is over, as I will be having surgery soon, which sucks. 2: I wanted to know if anyone has had the surgery and if/how it did(n't) effect them riding. This blows, but I'm hoping to hear some first hand accounts of it resolving the issue and not ruining riding.
  6. You should call insignia and talk to them. I had an issue with mine and they took care of it for me.
  7. If you want to ride my FZ6 let me know. I'm in Dayton. I don't know where you are, but I figure Columbus area? Let me know. All this back and forth is giving me motion sickness.
  8. Yes. The bike was in surprisingly good shape. Minimal front fairing damage was all that we saw.
  9. Jeff was on a Stratoliner. The basic gist of the story that I got was that he ran up hot on the bike in front of him swerved right and hit the white line. The white line was wet and slick. End of story. Geesh he really toughed it out right there.
  10. No worries Paul. I hope it's nothing to serious. Riding home wasn't bad at all. Just exhausted and happy to be home.
  11. Based on this logic the human race would die out relatively quickly.
  12. Brandt tell that fat whore bike of yours to be quite! Lol
  13. Downside of lane splitting. Going 60 (guessing) in standstill traffic. When the other bike decided it wanted to join in the splitting fun they probably had zero chance to even see the other bike approaching. I would assign technical blame on the CHP bike merging. It is their responsibility to merge safely. I would say if it were me I would have been going slower for this same reason.
  14. Awesome. Line up to get your tickets...or just tap your ruby red shoes http://dayton.craigslist.org/mcy/4434903378.html
  15. When I was in New Zealand in 1999, there was a huge rivalry between rotary and standard motors when it came to all the gear heads, which my cousins and uncles are. They also seem to have plenty of goofy ass vehicles, most of which were pretty cool.
  16. One ride on mine would blow his mind lol.
  17. I second this...I also LOVE my fz6.
  18. Somebody's been on Pintrest lol
  19. This weekend is my prep weekend. I'm getting excited to ride some beautiful roads.
  20. I just got my smh10 yesterday. Riders discount gave me a good deal on it. I haven't got to really play with it yet. So far it's pretty cool. I need a lesson in using it lol.
  21. Snot, I'm pretty sure the family and I passed you and Hellmutt (one other with you) coming up 75 about 8. Glad to see you had a safe ride!
  22. If you think Troy is rough stay out of Huber. This place is rampant with thugs and hillbillies. Lol
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