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Posts posted by granda080

  1. Ive always heard that market value was driven by supply and demand.

    Did you have a receipt for your special order or a written contract? Im sure they didnt want to take any money because they didnt want to commit based on the unknown. Look at whats happening now they arent selling for less than $1000. Sure you see them advertised on the web for less but anyone can advertise a price for something they dont have. I think people are forgetting a big factor in market value

    MSRP is only a suggested price set by the manu based on what they foresee a reasonable price based on their costs of manufacturing and R&D remmember its Kel Tec were talking about just look at property costs beach front houses that are tiny cost millions sometimes and monster houses in the middle of nowhere cost pennies in comparison. I dont blame woodbury at all its just smart business

    Id do the same thing and you would too

    While I agree with 99% of what you said here, I don't necessarily agree with your last statement. I think that is where loyalty to your customer base comes into play. Price gouging isn't a good business practice, for this exact reason. People don't like to over pay on MSRP from businesses; from a private seller on a hard to get item, sure, but not a business. IMHO when a business goes over MSRP it becomes viewed as greed. When an individual wants twice the price for a Furbie it's far more acceptable.

  2. The law is meant for protection only. You are not occupying the barn and in danger when the person broke in so you are supposed to leave them alone unless they come into your actual house. Now if it were the middle of the day and someone broke in while you were doing work in the barn you may get away with that.

    I'll just help them load my shit into their truck. I wouldn't want to be inhospitable :nono:

  3. Barn vs, primary residence, yeah I can see that for sure. Do I agree, no, but I definitely can see how he got time for that one. I can't shoot someone for breaking into my exterior shed, even though I have about 5,000 worth of power tools in there.

    BUT I am definitely on the dead man tell no tales side of this debate. You enter my house uninvited, I will not shoot to injure.

    I think it's all about the judge one ends up in front of and the quality of the lawyer on the other side of the room.

    IMO it's dumb. I can potentially shoot someone for breaking into my house, which is my property. Yet, if I shoot someone for breaking into my garage/barn/daughter's chastity belt/car I'm going to jail.

  4. Out of curiosity I called a realtor about a house I drive by every day. It is a foreclosure. The realtor said that most all foreclosure properties have a zero amenities. Meaning they will not fix or lower the price, basically an "As-Is" sale.

  5. VW is a pain in the ass and will for sure require something. I had a Passat and my wife had a New Beetle...we don't have either any more. They always were in need of some sort of maintenance. VW is the bipolar car of the automobile industry. Awesome ride and performance one day and the next...well, your wallet will be empty.

  6. The whole concept of this seems flawed to me. You punish the people involved in the incident, not the whole school and the people doing the right thing.

    I DGF about OSU football, but I don't like the concept of how the NCAA punishes the masses for the actions of a few. If a kid at the school I work at cheats on a test that individual gets a consequence, not the entire class.

    How about they work cooperatively with the NFL and come up with some concrete consequences. Pryor did have some consequence with not being allowed to be in the draft or whatever, but ultimately it didn't really seem to have any real consequence IMO. If you take the R. Bush incident, nothing happened to him via the NFL. Clearly the NFL has a vested interest in collegiate sports help them create an infrastructure to truly detour student athletes from breaking the rules however dumb they may be.

  7. ^ frankly, I see the same thing happening with education and the job market.

    The government has given people way too much money in school loans. Now almost everyone can finance a degree, but there aren't enough jobs to support X% of the country having a bachelors degree, and Y% having a masters.

    So you end up with a small percentage of people who are actually USING their degree, and then a large percentage who are over-educated, or under-employed (depending on how you look at it). Those folks could "afford" a college education, because of their loans, but now it's incredibly hard for them to find a job that pays enough to get them out of their loan debt.

    Sub-prime education lending. When half the country has a masters, suddenly you need a bachelor's to work retail. No different than people buying houses they couldn't afford.

    Hell I have a Masters degree and am using it and I honestly don't believe that I will ever make enough to pay back my loans. Granted I work at a school, which pretty much mandates a masters and yet pays less than working at Dominos with tips. Messed up system we have here.

  8. For years I had two reoccurring dreams they seemingly have stopped, thankfully. The craziest dreams I had was when I was taking Lunesta. That shit made me have nightmares and made me always want to kill myself. Example taking a shit at work and thinking I should just jump out the window.

    I was better off not being able to sleep. Thankfully now I'm so exhausted that I pass out most nights. Awesome being a dad of a toddler and soon to be new born.

  9. Nice bike. I like the white. As so many have said take the MSF course and get some good gear.

    Every time you get on that bike pray to God that you safely get off it when you're done. They are dangerous little toys that our moms don't want us to ride. Respect it at all times. It is not a question of if, it is a question of when will you dump it...again refer to the first sentence of this paragraph.

    Ride safe!

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