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Posts posted by granda080

  1. I ride with headphones most all of the time. It helps me not get mentally bored and start zoning out. I always make sure that it not so loud that I can't hear what is around me. I've always been able to hear fire/police vehicles.

    As for it being illegal...I'm happy to pay the fine :) Hopefully, I'll never have to.

  2. you have to stop using that psycho babble from Cesar Milan

    he's a self taught nut. none of what he teaches is used by real dog trainers since the early 60's.

    there is a reason he's on history channel and not animal planet.

    my pit bull knows her place in the family and we didn't have to train her. she just acts like you would want a dog to act. we talk to her, everyone feeds her, everyone walks her, everyone repremands her. And I guess it helps we treat her with dignity and don't put her in a cage. (not joking). that's a terrible thing to have to do to a pet. unless they are there to keep them safe, that's cruelty.

    try locking yourself in a cage all day long and see if you like it. that's one major no no to do with a pitbull they say. it will make them mean. so does not taking them for vigorous exercise every day.

    so my "NON" professional advise would be to do more with the dog.

    even if it's just talking to it.

    Just to be a dick... Cesar Millan is on National Geographic Channel :D

  3. If you can manage your bike to accompany this, most bikes do, here is a really clever idea that works well:

    Black Diamond "D" carabiner (for rock climbing) is easy to fit in the trunk and once you put it through the helmet's D-rings, clip it over the top frame rail (between the tank and seat mount bolt (swing the latch straight down)) and re-install the seat, it is impossible to remove! The helmet hangs down the side of the bike. Cost - about $6. You can put one on either side for two helmets.

    I don't have to use this but I know lots of people that do.

  4. Any time I get the red and blue lights behind me I always pull quickly into a field and start shouting, "Bee's, giant killer bee's" while flailing about.

    While I agree that eye protection is necessary. I think it is a bit of a stretch to pull someone over who has on their helmet and is wearing glasses, just to check their glasses out. That seems a bit nit picky to me, some where along the lines as a police officer seeing you have on your safety belt, but pulling you over to make sure that it has been properly installed in the car.

  5. So my father-in-law gave us this fridge...my wife has always loved it. It works but not very well. It seems to run smooth and it will get cool, just not cold. Does anyone out there have any knowledge on these old fridges? I don't really want to get raped by having a company come out and look at it. I just sorta want to know what it would cost to get fixed. I'd rather pay someone from here is all. It is a GE model LA-76 (I can't find any information on this)




  6. It just runs a bit richer...I get a bit of a hesitation in the mid range that I normally don't get on a cooler day when the air is better.

    I've got carbs though, not FI. FI should be compensating and you really shouldn't notice anything.

    Even what I mention isn't worth mentioning as being down on power, it's just me being picky.

    Hmm, thanks for that input. This is definitely me being picky. I was just interested if weather could have had a role is all.

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