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Posts posted by granda080

  1. My FZ has a dead spot around 6-7k all the time. I just figured it was the Motorcycle Gods telling me to buy another Ducati.. so I did. I guess the joke's on them. :dunno:

    LOL, did you ever change the sprocket in your FZ? I did a -1 on the front and it really helped, which is why I wondered about the weather possibly. It felt like it did before with the stock sprocket on it. I'd love a Duc. Congrats on your upgrade by the way!

  2. I honestly don't have a preferred type of road. People are bad drivers on the highway and on the back roads. I have the same high level of awareness no matter where I am.

    That said, to me highways are for getting to a destination quickly and back roads are for cruising about...and then there are the twisties and they are a whole other beast.

  3. hey, take your battery out for me for a second...

    oh wait....

    how about your SD card?

    oh wait.....


    LOL, I have to do with with my stupid Blackberry every few days for it to work. You can add me to the "yuppy bastards" list as well...I have to carry two phones. My BB is my personal and my work is an iPhone. Me + 2 phones = Lame :nono:

  4. So Oldschool and I went for a little ride Monday evening and all was well and good. Until at one of the stop lights my biked decided to stop and eat a shit sandwich. It was bogging down during acceleration around 7K. The engine temp was slightly higher than usual, but nothing too crazy.

    Anyway, we stopped and waited a bit and let the fan run until it clicked itself off. Got back on the road and it was fine. My thought was it had to be the weather effecting it.

    Has anyone else experienced this before?

  5. **EDIT** **After returning from this trip, I wouldn't waste the money to buy this product. I spend more time fiddling with it than what it's worth IMO.**

    So I have a long highway trip coming up and I wanted a way to give my right hand a break lol. I really wanted a Throttlemeister, but I don't think that I would get 120.00 dollars of use out of it. I remembered a link that I had seen on my FZ6 forum about a $20.00 product. I eventually found it. It is called a Go Cruise Throttle Control.

    I got in this week and have had a couple of opportunities to use it already. Basically it is this piece of plastic picture.php?albumid=1313&pictureid=14216 that applies pressure around the throttle. It comes with this silicon ring that you put on the handle first picture.php?albumid=1313&pictureid=14217.

    Once it is on picture.php?albumid=1313&pictureid=14218 it is a matter of setting the throttle and pushing the Go Cruise down until it rests on top of the brake picture.php?albumid=1313&pictureid=14221.

    That's pretty much it as far as setting it...but it doesn't really work at that point. You then get to mess with it a little bit, as it will slip a bit. After a few seconds though it sets. The term "throttle control" is absolutely correct. It keeps the throttle in the same spot so going down hill it speeds up. Uphill, you guessed it, it slows down. Big gusts of a head wind and your speed will drop. In all these scenarios though, when the conditions return to flat it will end up at the speed you were aiming at.

    I've never had the chance to use a Throttlemeister so I'm not sure how it compares...I'm sure not as well, however for 20 bucks it and for as little as I will use this it seems like a good deal. :rolleyes:

  6. LOL, no worries on that. I hadn't been to a Riverfest in probably 10 years...seemed the same as it always was. It was like a high school reunion lol. I'll be up again with the bike in the near future. I'll hit you up when that happens.

  7. Grave,

    Love the roads of KY. Have you ever done the Riverboat Tour KY Style?

    There are 10 Riverboats that run on 5 diff rivers in and around KY, a couple yrs ago a group of us did a self designed ride that killed off 1500 miles in 3 days, 5 rivers and 10 Riverbaots. An exhausting trip, but one I will never forget.

    Lets add another wrinkle to this this way, how many want to do an overnighter, say Sat. ride, camp overnight, and a Sun ride and return home. Or Fri / Sat same idea? :D

    I'm game for a limited Riverboat run, I'll even lay it out. We are running out of summer pretty damn quick, lets do something.

    Ride safe all.


    I like this idea...just depends on what date you are looking at.

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