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Everything posted by granda080

  1. Welcome!..Brandt is a good guy, glad to have you here.
  2. 1st time for me seeing it...very funny
  3. I wish my phone would get Rick rolled
  4. Yeah, sorry about all that. I suck I feel bad that I caused drama on our relaxing ride. **Note to self: Don't be that mentally relaxed ever again**
  5. Yeah, I had plenty of time to think about it. I had an hour long ride back to think about it. Just wasn't mentally paying attention, the turn came up on me because of it. I quickly downshifted, though I was already begining to lean into the turn. I then applied a bit of back break, again because I was late in mentally being into the turn, and then simutaniously let out the clutch. All this equalled high-side. I'm so thankful. That's really it.
  6. LOL, that was awsome +1
  7. All I know is that I am not good enough rider to be "sliding around". I'll leave that for the pro's
  8. I love me some Cleveland Cruch at Richmond Arena!!! I went to so many of those games growing up!
  9. Umm can't say that I did, but that's probably who/what I saw between remembering being on the bike and realizing I was sliding along the road. I wrecked on 732 by Oxford (very near to 177). Also an update on myself physically. I've got the rash on the elbow, and quarter sized rash on each knee. The rest of me just hurts and aches, but I'm not complaining . I was looking for a winter project... I guess now I have one. I greatly appreciate all the well wishes! It means a lot to know that you all are out there!
  10. Yeah I had a slight hiccup... or a high-side. I can't, and won't, place blame on anything but me. I went into a turn to hot (40ish in a suggested 15mph sharp right), was mid shift and already leaning into the turn, tapped the back brake and let out the clutch...exactally what one should not do. It is a strange thing being thrown from your bike, I'm sure most people reading this know the feeling. I had about 4 thoughts while I was skidding across the pavement. In order they were: 1. Is this for real? 2. How did I end up here? 3. I'm okay. 4. (seeing the bike slide towards me) Please don't hit me! I thank God that I didn't hurt anyone else, or myself majorly. I really want to thank Oldschoolsdime and his friend Zach for being so concerned. I hope that this is the first and last time I have this happen. Here is a pic There are more in the album.
  11. granda080

    Elbow lumped up

    From the album: Crash

  12. granda080


    From the album: Crash

  13. granda080


    November 8 2009: Oxford, Ohio
  14. granda080


    From the album: Crash

  15. granda080


    From the album: Crash

  16. granda080


    From the album: Crash

  17. granda080


    From the album: Crash

  18. granda080


    From the album: Crash

  19. granda080


    From the album: Crash

  20. granda080


    From the album: Crash

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