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Everything posted by granda080

  1. Yeah, Friday night...went in with the wife and dog.

  2. I think I spied you... check my random pics in album. Petsmart?

  3. Beavercreak PetSmart 8pm 10/30/09. Just curious who I could have met. We were shopping for a costume for the dog, it's his first Halloween! (Yes, he is wearing a costume...he's going to help pass out candy) , ,
  4. granda080

    Who are you 2?

    From the album: Random

  5. granda080

    Who are you?

    From the album: Random

  6. I will gladly say congrats! Being married is great!... free cooking and cleaning
  7. I wonder if the IRA makes better Irish Car Bombs... they have more experience making them then I do. Pint of Guiness + half shot Bailey + half shot Jameson Whiskey = one happy drunk!
  8. This is another great article on the Browns being a self-destructive organization http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=AnsfEDMe25O6Ndv2yBHE4TZDubYF?slug=cr-winnersandlosers102509&prov=yhoo&type=lgns Go Browns
  9. That wasn't really much of a spill. Poor Pitt. Did anyone watch the sad little video of it? Those dudes putting the bike in the back of a pickup truck was pretty funny.
  10. My niece is looking for her first car...can you tell me anymore about it manual/auto, how long it's been sitting..anything like that?
  11. WTF, that dude passed out at the end of that video and nobody sharpied penis's all over him? This is a great site http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/full-list-of-stuff-white-people-like/ I recommend buying the book so that people can take the how white are you quiz at the end.
  12. Here are two of my rats (Cosmo and Vega) I have another but he doesn't photograph well. I think he pissed on my shirt ...
  13. granda080


    From the album: Random

  14. I love pet rats! I have 2, but they aren't hairless. They are pretty awesome pets.
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