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Everything posted by granda080

  1. granda080

    Vegas is hot 113

    From the album: Random

  2. granda080


    From the album: Random

  3. It seems like people have put their bikes away for the season doesn't it?

  4. Ugh, that sucks. I hope that you filed a report with the Sheriff's department. I had a g/f that had the same thing happen and the jerk denied he was in an accident, so his insurance wouldn't pay. I hope your incident goes better. Glad you are all ok!
  5. You should read any of the last three Dan Brown books. They are engrossed in symbolism and mysteries of the accult.
  6. There are a plethora of answers to this question. I'll go with management, coaching and being the Jr. Jets. STOP MAKING DEALS WITH THE JETS!
  7. Dang it you're on to me... I want my trophies back. I'm goint to have get a mouse attached to my laptop!
  8. Tis better to have had a trophie and lost it then never to have had a trophie at all...
  9. CURSE YOU kawi kid!! That was my typing trophie!!!!!! KAWI!!!!!!!
  10. At a press conference with Winston Churchhill: Reporter to Churchill: "Sir if I were your wife I'd poison your tea." Churchill to Reporter: "If I were your husband I'd drink it!" Bessie Braddock: “Sir, you are drunk.” Churchill: “Madam, you are ugly. In the morning, I shall be sober.” He was great!
  11. Sorry about the typing one...I don't know how to play Orthello and I'm not going to try.
  12. To answer the title, Our rights end where another's begin. I think it's going to be hard to prove that the guy "wanted to be seen". I'm not sure how you decide the intent. There must not be anything else for the police to do in this town.
  13. I like the arcade. Is there a way to disply only the games you've marked as favorites?
  14. I know nothing about these...I might have to go to the pony and fiddle with this. Is the price for 1 unit or a set? My wife and I have talked about these before, but never looked into them.
  15. Stargazer bought one...maybe PM him
  16. Welcome to Dayton! Good luck on that Master's degree
  17. Happy Birthday Oldschoolsdime92! I owe you a drink Brandt.
  18. granda080

    n502952961 558042 8005

    I really dig your bike....what the hell is it though?
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