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Everything posted by granda080

  1. Sounds good to me. I can't wait for this weather to change for the better. I'm sick of this snow and ice!

  2. Hello fellow Fizz rider!

  3. granda080


    From the album: Painted

  4. granda080


    From the album: Painted

  5. granda080


    From the album: Painted

  6. Thanks for the complements...we'll get it together soon
  7. I still can't get over how different the same color looks in two different pics...crazy.
  8. So the old man finished painting the bike tonight. The paint color is actually ruby red. I don't think the pictures actually show that maroon color...my wife said it looks like some shade of lipstick. Anyway, I can't wait to put it all together. There are more pics in my albums...I'm going to do a bit of this
  9. granda080


    From the album: Painted

  10. granda080


    From the album: Painted

  11. granda080

    Fender 7

    From the album: Painted

  12. granda080

    Fender 2

    From the album: Painted

  13. granda080

    Fender 1

    From the album: Painted

  14. granda080


    From the album: Painted

  15. granda080


    From the album: Painted

  16. granda080


    From the album: Painted

  17. The furthest I've ridden was to Wilmington, NC. A buddy and I made that trip in a day. I found it enjoyable on my fizz and would love to do it again. He, however, had a hell of a time on his vulcan and swore he would never do a ride that far again. I suppose it's in the rider and the bike.
  18. A buddy of mine swears by that place. I've never had any dealings with the place though.
  19. I think that was above the Caprice...I'll have to watch again to make sure lol POS!
  20. Congrats, my brother in law works there and seems to enjoy it. Hope you enjoy it!
  21. I just had to renewed my license and car plates. I wanted to make sure that they took that stupid "novice" thing off my license from 2 years ago. In talking I asked her if I needed to renew my bike plates as well to avoid the fee. She said that I didn't need to worry about it doing it now because it was not applicable to motorcycles! I hope that's true or I'm going to go find Carol...oh yes I remember her name hahahaha!
  22. Yeah, it is on Brant, but it isn't a pizza place anymore. The pizza place went out of business, , and the person who bought the business changed it into a restaurant rather than a pizza joint.
  23. I'm not really one for advocating stuff, but here goes. My wife and I went out to dinner tonight and went to a new restaurant down the road from us called Key West. I don't usually eat at places unless I've heard something good about it. My wife kept bugging me to go, because she enjoys supporting small local businesses. So we went tonight...and it was really good. The menu isn't big, but they serve breakfast all day. The prices were really good as well, nothing over 5.99. Anyway if you're in Huber and looking for some place to eat give them a try it and support a local business. We're going back for breakfast this weekend. Cheers
  24. Good luck riding in March, the damn snow will still be there! I'm down when the snow is gone.
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