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Everything posted by granda080

  1. granda080

    No caption

    From the album: My FZ6

  2. granda080

    No caption

    From the album: My FZ6

  3. granda080

    No caption

    From the album: My FZ6

  4. granda080

    No caption

    From the album: My FZ6

  5. ROTFL! Dated a chick with a German background... http://german.about.com/library/blgermyth11.htm I liked to play hide the pickel with her back in the day
  6. Whatever happened to hiding a pickle in the tree?...
  7. Do you even think she knows what she is standing next to? ::twirls hair and gum simutaniously::
  8. AHHHAAHHAA that is probably the best thing I have ever clicked on in the entire internet awesome
  9. Good luck being a teacher and staying 6 feet away from them! LOL
  10. I know the feeling for sure. I keep Purrell in my pocket. It's just getting stupid.
  11. ^^ahhhahhaaa!!!! Hilarious!
  12. I feel bad for you too. Keep washing those hands
  13. hmmm, maybe I'll just start spraying lysol down the kids throats ...wait I don't think I'm supposed to say things like that.
  14. I work at a school in Dayton...if you want to know the school name I'll PM you but we, school workers, aren't really supposed to spread the news...even though we sent out a letter confirming our cases.
  15. We seriously have kids walking around with them on. I keep thinking I see Michael Jackson everywhere...then I remember he's dead.
  16. Definitely deliver pizza. I worked at Dominos, it's an easy job and the tips are great... and Uncle Sam doesn't need to know about all the dollars
  17. granda080

    F-you h1n1

    So I work in a school, and we've got the H1N1!!! Not that every school now a day doesn't, but it sucks. I've never seen such craziness on the sickness. It's not just H1N1, it's all the other crazy flu's going around. I'm sooooo getting H1N1 Wife works at a school with confirmed cases as well. So to all the little germs out there F-YOU!!!!! I'm totally going to be pissed if my student's illnesses kill me. Who would ride my motorcycle then? Sorry I just had to rant...I'm getting sick
  18. Not that I'm up there, but I appreciated the large bump
  19. You're pretty much stuck with the reach around on the bike.
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