The date code is a four digit code. The first two represent week of the year so 01 to 52 and the last two are the year, 09, 10, 11, etc. the compounds are either a three or four digit code. I found this on another site. 120 / 70 R 17 Dunlop Slick KR106 (8743) soft 120 / 70 R 17 Dunlop Slick KR106 (8813) medium/soft 120 / 70 R 17 Dunlop Slick KR106 (302) medium 195 / 65 R 17 Dunlop Slick KR108 (8827/7827/7614)soft up to 40° Asphalt 195 / 65 R 17 Dunlop Slick KR108 (7882) soft/medium up to 35° Asphalt 195 / 65 R 17 Dunlop Slick KR108 (4902/7813/7704) medium/soft up to 30° Asphalt 195 / 65 R 17 Dunlop Slick KR108 (4886/7712/3712) medium up to 20° Asphalt 195 / 65 R 17 Dunlop Slick KR108 (8854/6854/3854) medium/hard up to 15° Asphalt 195 / 65 R 17 Dunlop Slick KR108 (8838/6838/6868) hard up to 10° Asphalt 195 / 65 R 17 Dunlop Slick KR108 (8855/6855) hard (Endurance) Practice / Endurance