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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. As our temperatures continue to warm, be sure to check twice as more motorcyclist will continue joining the road. Good advice for the cagers. Ever since gas hit $4.00 a gallon there have been more bikes and {shudder} scooters on the road. Do you think that drivers (of cars) are adjusting?
  2. Dig the pipes. Cool looking ride for those that know what it is.
  3. My bike leaks rain, Damn! Gotta fix that heater and those wipers....
  4. So mostly the rain has washed off the salt and crap of the winter from the roads. But the temp is still not in the optimal range Potholes are still abundant. So who is riding out there? Are you out and about yet this year?.
  5. Not sure how to feel about this one. Other than bikers are cool. Guns? kids? what? Still, bikers are cool.
  6. http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4511.712 vs. http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4511.43 Among the lawyers there was much rejoicing! Looks like it should be ticket time for both of them. Ohio better collect the fine from the biker quickly before he is beyond their jurisdiction. The cager, meh, he'll be hanging out in some other intersection later on today. Columbus drivers do suck! I've had them look right at me and then try to move over on top of me too. Ya know, so they wouldn't miss their turn from the far other lane. Sigh....
  7. And the lawyers are up and running! http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/03/24/fcc_net_neutrality_lawsuit/ AT&T, Verizon and telco pals file lawsuit to KILL net neutrality FOREVER So the big dogs' backlash begins
  8. Maybe three months of CNN and "The Real Story Behind The Great Crash!"
  9. Car should not have been in the intersection - Obstructing traffic Bike should not have tried to squeeze by - Reckless operation Fault 50 / 50
  10. Now that real estate values in the area are getting ready to tank. (If they haven't already) Wonder who is going to snap up the properties and what it will look like in five years?
  11. http://sellout.woot.com/?ref=sh_lgo Today's Woot X-Copter 2.4 GHz R/C Micro-Copter$19.99 $59.99 67% off List Price Not bad for the price.
  12. Surprise! They have released the rules a lot earlier that anybody thought they would. Here is the link. http://transition.fcc.gov/Daily_Releases/Daily_Business/2015/db0312/FCC-15-24A1.pdf A fast read through it does provide a couple of expected points. Some of the definitions such as last mile and interconnect services seem a little vague on purpose. They state that they will refine this as they go along, not un-expected. Seems that they want to give themselves some room to work with as time, technology and economic factors are considered 56k connections are excluded as not really being "Broadband". So is VOIP, instrumentation (medical monitors) and the like. Not surprising again. Cell phones seem to be an item they are being very careful with as their definitions seem to say a couple of things at the same time. The "Universal Service Contributions" are mentioned but it is unclear how they are to be applied as they are claiming a partial forbearance. Leaving the door open for later it would seem. Give it a read, see what you think.
  13. Survived another winter. Still some grit on the turns and some random piles of gravel but a very do-able day for riding.
  14. ATF version http://www.atf.gov/press/releases/2015-03-021015-advisory-notice-those-commenting-armor-piercing-ammunition-exemption-framework.html Notice to those Commenting on the Armor Piercing Ammunition Exemption FrameworkThank you for your interest in ATF's proposed framework for determining whether certain projectiles are “primarily intended for sporting purposes” within the meaning of 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(17)©. The informal comment period will close on Monday, March 16, 2015. ATF has already received more than 80,000 comments, which will be made publicly available as soon as practicable. Although ATF endeavored to create a proposal that reflected a good faith interpretation of the law and balanced the interests of law enforcement, industry, and sportsmen, the vast majority of the comments received to date are critical of the framework, and include issues that deserve further study. Accordingly, ATF will not at this time seek to issue a final framework. After the close of the comment period, ATF will process the comments received, further evaluate the issues raised therein, and provide additional open and transparent process (for example, through additional proposals and opportunities for comment) before proceeding with any framework. ###
  15. Sounds like fun. Great idea on the T-shirt thing. Now if i can just get my bike out of the snow drift it's buried in... Oh! Slow or medium group please.
  16. An interesting point from one of the commissioners who actually has read the new rules is that taxes are coming. http://dailycaller.com/2015/02/27/net-neutrality-arguments/ I would expect that in the interests of fair government and budgetary constraints we will be asked to fund the enforcement and or regulation panel and it's activities at the very least. Something like the "Universal Service Fee" on land lines. Another "Fairness" tax, to bring broadband to under-privileged consumers. (Which is what the "Universal Service Fee" was supposed to do but never really did.) Some kind of censoring mechanism to protect the children as well. ( What a fire fight that one is going to be. - Paging Lois Lerner...) On the other side of that coin perhaps a reduction of the cable TV giants bundled packages and sooner or later A la carte pay television. Of course with that revenue stream cut the basic access fee will most likely go up as speeds will drop due to cost reduction. (It's all about the share holders. Faster equipment costs more, so....) The "Last Mile" of connectivity is sure to be an issue and there will of course be some competition there. On the cynical side, looking at my electric bill, I see a "Generation" charge and a "Delivery" charge which totaled equal or exceed the charges before the "Last Mile" regulation fight. I would expect the same from these new rules as well. Municipal and local start-up services have already been all but outlawed by lobbying from the industry. So innovation of new services is still in question. On the other hand perhaps this will make the old rules moot. We will have to wait and see. Lets not forget cell phone standards in which data charges do apply as services for smartphones with data caps on most plans with "gotcha" fees for over use of their "unlimited" services. Not quite sure how that is going to work out but a subsidy for the cell phone operators to provide data services to the under served with a new "Service Fee" is the most likely scenario. These comments are based upon standard bureaucracy growth and political trends in play today and of course not based on the rules that nobody has read yet. As you said, the devil is in the details. With 300 some pages of details at this point it sounds like there might be just a few surprises in store.
  17. Sure would be nice to see what is in the rules they just passed... But it looks like we will have to wait a few weeks or months to find out what has happened. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2015/02/27/theres-already-a-conspiracy-theory-brewing-over-net-neutrality/?hpid=z14 Till then, it's just talk about what it "might" mean to the user. Carry on, business as usual till then.
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