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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. Bump for the thread. Great pics. Funny looking tires. No sweeper turns. Hmm... Looks like an ok ride till you hit the funny roads and get the new tires. Something about "Dirt" and "Hurt" beyond the fact that they rhyme...
  2. Dead link.... 404 page
  3. Interesting read on the tech behind making your own AR-15. I Made an Untraceable AR-15 ‘Ghost Gun’ in My Office—And It Was Easyhttp://www.wired.com/2015/06/i-made-an-untraceable-ar-15-ghost-gun/ This is my ghost gun. To quote the rifleman’s creed, there are many like it, but this one is mine. It’s called a “ghost gun”—a term popularized by gun control advocates but increasingly adopted by gun lovers too—because it’s an untraceable semiautomatic rifle with no serial number, existing beyond law enforcement’s knowledge and control. And if I feel a strangely personal connection to this lethal, libertarian weapon, it’s because I made it myself, in a back room of WIRED’s downtown San Francisco office on a cloudy afternoon. More at the link above. Long read but interesting.
  4. So they are going to turn off all those machines? Great! I hear they are giving out Unicorns next.
  5. Something about private sellers and tax stamps goes in here. You don't have to charge sales tax on items you sell over the "First Owner Doctrine" meaning the first guy paid a tax already on the item. Kinda like paying taxes on hay you feed to your horse and then selling the manure which has been taxed already before it was "processed" by the horse. On the other hand Amazon will automatically add the tax to your purchase for Ohio residents/shipping addresses as they are the first seller. The State will get a windfall in tax revenue because most people don't self-report their purchase and Amazon is not required to do so for out of state purchases. But now that they have a physical presence in the state they are required to charge taxes on their sales inside the state. Just trying to clear up the confusion over the article, which isn't clear on this point. .
  6. http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/business/2015/05/29/amazon-to-collect-sales-tax.html Kind of a mixed reaction to the news. Cool that the data centers are going to be local to C-bus. More tech jobs is a good thing. But the flip side is the sales tax issue because they have a actual brick and mortar presence in the state. There may be other benefits to this as well, we'll have to wait and see.
  7. And so it begins... http://personalliberty.com/first-the-obamaphones-now-the-obama-net/ It's for the children or something... In any case the taxes are coming. This is just the prep work of establishing a dialog or narrative to explain why we _need_ the new taxes. Once the camel gets it's nose in the tent......
  8. This just in.... California could soon legalize motorcycle lane-splittingStory here....http://www.latimes.com/business/autos/la-fi-hy-motorcycle-lanesplitting-20150528-story.html
  9. Not enough range to be practical. interesting, but so is a three legged dog, just dont hunt.
  10. Looking forward to it. Hoping I wake on time to do this. I like riding with you... Bike wont start. Battery issue. Next time.... Sigh.....
  11. I did not see a brake light or smoke off the rear tire. The rear didn't seem to slide out so much as a sudden sideways movement. Not sure but I don't think he was wide enough in the turn to hit the gravel. I wonder if he didn't catch a peg or stand when he leaned into the turn. I understand the bike was lowered so maybe that was what happened. He wasn't pushing it into the turn, we were going at a reasonable pace. IDK? Peg or stand is my best guess from what I saw.
  12. Umm, can't edit a post. It says it's breathable. Doesn't feel like plastic. More like a fabric feel to it. IDK, Guess I'll find out the hard way one fine rainy day.
  13. History sites seem to agree on the basic timeline the economy did not fully turn around until after 1939, when World War II kicked American industry into high gear.
  14. After getting back from the UN-official, cancelled or not cancelled Epic ride. And after pouring the water out of my boots, getting a hot shower and some dry clothes on. I went right out and got a rain suite. Wally World, $20, fits over gear, all good. But another thing I noticed was the rain on the face shield coming over the top and running down the inside. Anybody else have this happen to them? I thought maybe putting a bead of silicone sealer on the top edge of the helmet might help the shield seal better. Or maybe it's just my cheesy Vega helmet? Anybody else?
  15. Western group made it back as far as C-bus where I dropped off.They are still on the road. Rained most of the way back.
  16. Looks like we have a chance if I believe the RADAR. http://www.accuweather.com/en/us/columbus-oh/43235/weather-forecast/18492_pc
  17. Still trying to figure out the weather mans babble speak. Looks like the % chance might move a bit north of our interest. But really, what does a 40% chance of rain mean to a state wide broadcaster? 40% of our viewing area? 40% of the square footage of the state? 40% of the time I'm right about the rain? or 60% of the time I'm wrong about the rain? 60% of the hype is because the weather segment lasts for 8 of the 22 minutes available for the broadcast of the TV "NEWS"? I'm still hopeful that we will have a good day, But the TV news is just a tease at this point. AArrrgh! I'll have to wait till it's time to leave to see the RADAR for myself. On the bright side my t-shirt has arrived! Of course this still means a early morning go or no Saturday. Fingers crossed....
  18. First one was a smoker. Put almost 30k mi on it in 2 1/2 years.
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