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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. Hmm.... like Obama's machine only one sided. You might be on to something here. Media manipulation. Interesting concept. Not being mean to you or anything but here is the gap of what is in the news and what is not. It does seem to be very partisan, of course it does depend on how you see it and who you ask. Interesting how you see the reps as the bad guys while the dems clearly control the media. By the very things you quote, that is the story, but not the other side.. interesting... I mean, I could easily make the same argument the other way. Odd that it would be the same thing. So I guess we are left with the same idea from both points of view. The other guy is a bad man while I am a good man. Yep, it is all about the 'OTHER' guy. Who you should be very afraid of, because, .... Perhaps we are all being mislead... Worrying about left or right all the while...
  2. I stand corrected. However I was referring to the concept that immigrants are potential Democrats. Which even the Democrats I listed thought that this was an issue that had to be carefully handled to avoid the perception that this is what they were up to. Notice that the quotes I listed didn't say that was what they were doing, rather they were saying they didn't want to be perceived as doing it. Good catch on the Reagan thing. Interesting to note, nobody seems to connect the Reps with immigrants even though Reagan started it. Wonder why? Maybe it's just out of the public memory.
  3. The phrase 'nothing is free' is not saying that they will get something for nothing. Medicaid is not as you point out strictly speaking 'Obama-care'. Under Obama care Medicaid was expanded so they are related by the same law. They are not the same thing but they are similar. Both are subsidized by the Government via tax dollars they get from you over and above the premiums of the plans. So, yes you do pay one way or another. You are also correct that it isn't free. It is anything but free. Your tax dollars will be helping pay their subsidies. This of course could change at any moment whenever Obama feels the need to change it. Health and Human Services chief Sylvia Burwell seems to want to give it to everybody along with 'that will lead to benefits in everything from health care to economics' what ever that phrase means. Which coming from any loyal party official would seem to be testing the waters as it were to see if the idea will fly. Another good question might be, How does adding foreign nationals to the 'Pool" effect it, the pool and the rate structure. Potentially for a large group of people who don't have SSI numbers or work under the table and/or don't file federal tax forms for income verification. Not saying all 'Dreamers' or others work under the table any more or less than any other group. By law only US citizens and legal immigrants have SSI numbers. So how will this effect the premiums paid by all? Income verification is still a problem for the IRS which they are struggling with for everybody anyway. Add to the question what will be the focus of expanded immigration legalization? A lot more to this than meets the eye after you think about it for a bit. This is a trial balloon floated by a minor bureaucrat to test the wind. So the original question still stands... Pro or Con on the issue?
  4. Isolationists. Interesting labeling. The 'Dreamers' are a protected political class. Special status and all that, setting them apart from others. Obama now wants to up the ante with his immigration plans to bring even more people into the country. Apparently his director of Health and Human Services thinks the 'Dreamers' and the new people should get free medical care. As we all know, nothing is 'free' unless somebody else is paying for it and that somebody it would seem is you. So, I do think your right, there will be a bad ending to this. The question is, bad from who's point of view? It's your money...
  5. And the drama just keeps ramping up! You just can't make this stuff up! Unbelievable!
  6. Conservative xenophobia?!?Always ready to throw the race card. Blanket accusations of racism.ad hominem attacks, etc, etc...When in doubt, throw the race card out. Try this, The Democratic party started the conversation of amnesty back in the days of Clinton. This is not a new thing. On September 10, 1996, a US House of Representatives subcommittee held hearings on allegations that some private firms certified to test the English skills of applicants for naturalization were approving applicants who could not speak English.Republicans unveiled a memo written by Vice President Gore's office that says: "INS warns that if we are too aggressive at removing the roadblocks to [naturalization].... we might be publicly criticized for running a pro-Democratic voter mill." A Chicago Alderman wrote a letter to Mrs. Clinton urging an accelerated naturalization program to "provide the Democrats with a strategic advantage" in the 1996 elections. On September 26 1996, California's Secretary of State ordered county voter registrars not to permit non-citizens to vote in the November 1996 elections, after it was revealed that 727 non- citizens in Los Angeles county had filled out the voter registration form attached to the driver's license application under the new "motor voter" law. See? Not a new thing. Also, not a Republican thing.http://migration.ucdavis.edu/mn/more.php?id=1044_0_2_0 Which is kinda interesting when you think of the low voter turn out debate. Hmm... Facepalm! Your own words, and I quote "illegal immigrants" might just be the crux of the biscuit. So quick on the draw to defend your perceptions. You can't even wait for an opposing view.You guys are attacking your own side here. She is a direct pick of Obama, appointed by him.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sylvia_Mathews_Burwell How about a comment on this clueless government official who is quoted in the article? Or, you can continue to try to pick a fight with me over what someone else said.Which will fail spectacularly, but will give me a lot of lolz!
  7. Legitimize Dreamers into taxpayers Democrats, then why not? There, fixed it for you.
  8. Health and Human Services chief Sylvia Burwell said this, not I. We know it's a tax, the Supreme Court said so. We are aware. Save your typing fingers Magley... Health and Human Services chief Sylvia Burwell said this, not I. This is the government speaking. It is not my personal opinion. That's why I find this so ironic and worthy of comment. Which makes your comment of 'When someone is that far off the details, it's because they don't care or are too invested in an opposing position.' even funnier! Quick! Attack the messenger. Flame away.... Just remember your flaming your own side for being totally clueless about this wonderful new tax.
  9. The Obamacare and immigration debates collided Tuesday as Health and Human Services chief Sylvia Burwell called for extending Obamacare benefits to DREAM-eligible illegal immigrants. Burwell was speaking on a public Google hangout with prominent Latina bloggers to promote Saturday’s opening of the Obamacare enrollment period when she shifted to her thoughts on immigration reform. “DREAMers are not able to be covered in the marketplace. And this is an issue that I think is more than a health care issue — it is an immigration issue,” Burwell said in response to a question about whether families with mixed immigration statuses can get coverage. “And I think everyone probably knows that this administration feels incredibly strongly about the fact that we need to fix that. We need to reform the system and make the changes that we need that will lead to benefits in everything from health care to economics to so many things — a very important step that we need to take as a nation.” Only legal immigrants are eligible for Obamacare benefits, but liberal and pro-immigration groups have asked that Obamacare benefits be extended to illegal immigrants as well. Several groups have also advocated for the Obama administration to mandate Obamacare exchange eligibility for DREAMers, a term used to describe illegal immigrants who are granted Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status. ===== http://redalertpolitics.com/2014/11/12/hhs-chief-obamacare-available-dreamers/ ==== You knew it was just a matter of time... Pro or Con?
  10. The National Weather Service has developed a powerful tool that allows users to create custom weather maps that show everything from temperatures to snow totals. The tool's most excellent feature, by far, is the ability to track future weather along the path of one's road trip. The tool, called the Enhanced Data Display (or EDD), is still in its experimental stages, so the application will occasionally go offline while meteorologists and technicians tinker with it. When it's online and in good working order, though, the application is perhaps the most powerful tool available on the agency's website. ===== More here: http://thevane.gawker.com/this-powerful-mapping-tool-lets-you-plot-the-weather-al-1655589552 Interesting tool. Takes a bit of getting used to but great idea for longer trips.
  11. What is the difference? The result is the same only the method is different. Paper vs. electronic. As Magley pointed out the original video was a legal action under the voting laws of that state. But even so, one person having full control of hundreds of ballots and temptation being part of human nature... Plenty of studies this year about it also. With the outcome of this past election the temptation is to say that the outcome proves it didn't happen. But that would be a false assumption based on poll data and personal opinion. The argument that it did happen and the Republicans were successful is just as easily made. The bigger issue is doubt. Did it happen? Will it happen in the future? Mid terms are important to be sure. 2016 is just around the corner and that will be the rest of the cookies. As Turnone points out, how would you know? What could you do about it?
  12. Conspiracy theories have a very definite form, or plot if you will. They follow very exact rules and therefore all share a commonality. 1. A fact 2. Another fact 3. An improbable connecting of the two. A real conspiracy on the other hand does not 'Follow the script' as it were. On the other hand they can be turned into a 'Conspiracy Theory' by media control. Weird circular logic often seen in political spin in the media to discredit a story. But as you point out, things that 'disappear' are much more likely to be an actual event. They are interesting as you point out. Connecting them gets even more interesting.
  13. Very skilled pilot landing in the middle of the woods! http://player.vimeo.com/video/99490998
  14. http://deslide.clusterfake.net/?o=html_table&u=http://www.shortlist.com/entertainment/15-of-the-internets-craziest-conspiracy-theories#gallery-1 Bonus, not a slide show.
  15. Something about 100 feet from the polling place comes to mind.
  16. C'mon, make it interesting. Add one of these to the topic and really get it going! The JFK Assassination 9/11 Cover-Up Area 51 and the Aliens Paul Is Dead Secret Societies Control the World The Moon Landings Were Faked Jesus and Mary Magdalene Holocaust Revisionism The CIA and AIDS The Reptilian Elite
  17. Hanging chads anyone? Lets see how the theater plays out. Everybody loves a good show.
  18. 3 dead voters' absentee ballots to own home; FBI seizes ballots From the article: The Bernalillo County Clerk's office mailed absentee ballots to three dead voters, according to an Albuquerque man named Carlos Villanueva, who brought the ballots into the Secretary of State's Office Monday morning. Villanueva said he suspected similar voter fraud was happening, so he tested the system himself. He chose three random people from local obituaries, and wanted to see if it would be easy to request ballots under their names, even though the people were already dead. Using nothing more than their names and birthdates, he was able to get the Bernalillo Co. Clerk's Office to mail the ballots to his own home address, not even the addresses belonging to the people who died. === And why is this never detected? The problem is that sort of data was and is still not available to the Bernalillo Co. Clerk's Office. Folks in the office there say the secretary of state last sent them an updated list of dead voters for September and not October, the month in which those two voters died. As of this past Friday, there had been 64,000 requests for absentee ballots. ===== And they can't be caught, ever, by anybody. Again, no id needed as they are absentee ballots. http://www.kob.com/article/stories/S3608980.shtml?cat=500#.VFj-GJ_A3cl So the question is whom are the dead guys voting for? It is sure going to be a media circus!
  19. Just another beat down. It's just white people. Nothing to see here. Move along citizen. It is odd that the first black President has race as such a big issue in his term in office. I offer the opinion that until he got in office people were well on their way to not caring about race either way. But, that has changed as he has used race and class to divide the USA so it would be in nice bite sized electoral chunks. Divide and conquer! I would think that he should have said things like 'We are all in the same boat' or 'We have to work together for the good of America'. Furthering the cause of unity between races. Instead we hear things like 'Trayvon could have been my son'?!? WTF is that? Divide and conquer! Way to go Mr. President. Lets give people something to be outraged over. Divide and conquer! At the same time he lets let this kind of thing slide under the radar. Divide and conquer! Clearly they deserved it. Being white in a black area they were just asking for it. Divide and conquer! </s> Discalimer: This is a race neutral post. Not favoring one race over another, as it should be. But also not punishing one race over another either., as it should be. At least this guy gets it.
  20. If you think your better off now than you were six years ago and think you will be better off if we keep on going this way. Vote Democrat! If you aren't, vote some other way, any other way. But keep in mind that a vote for another party enables the Democrats. Unless you vote Republican. (The other party that stands a chance. Sorry Libertarians, just not enough members.) Of course to be fair you have to decide who's policies led to what, which is a little more of a tricky problem. Most politicians pass laws that take effect after their terms in office which allows them to be on both sides of the fence at the same time. An example would be that Obama is still blaming Bush for his troubles which allows the party faithful a convenient straw man to hate. On the other hand, don't get fooled into either parties slander of the other party. Most of it is made up bs anyway. It's hard to make an informed decision when all you hear is crap to start with. Add to that the 'political class' who don't have anything in common with you, or your life, or your problems, yet these are the very ones telling you they can help. Expecting them to help you is a religion, you pray to your politicians and hope for a miracle to save you from those guys, the 'other' politicians. All the while their hoping you and I, and the rest of us, don't catch on to the shell game they are running. On the other hand, Obama's machine has made a lot of errors. Might be time for a change. Or at least new faces to blame for the same old problems. Or, we could blame Bush. That does seem to be a popular option. Or not. Seriously, look at our government. More of them by percentage are criminals than the percentage of the general population. So we worship at the feet of the best criminals? Says a lot about us doesn't it? Ahh! The party faithful. The original post is factually incorrect? Or just not politically correct? Political dogma. You guys crack me up! Bah! As always, it's a choice of the lessor of two evils. Choose wisely.
  21. There is more on both sides. Published on Oct 30, 2014 A stunning undercover video exposes a reckless disregard of election law in North Carolina. Multiple campaign operatives and workers, both democrats and republicans, encourage felony voter fraud.
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