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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. Motorcyclist shot by his own gun during bizarre hit-and-run collision in Black Hawk Car driver flees, later arrested In a bizarre chain reaction, Black Hawk police say a motorcyclist was shot in the chest when a gun he was carrying went off as a hit-and-run car struck the motorcycle. The hit-and-run happened about 10:15 a.m. at Highway 119 and Richman Street in Black Hawk. A four-door Chevrolet sedan hit the motorcycle and the rider was thrown to the ground, Police Chief Stephen Cole told 7NEWS. The impact of the collision caused a handgun the motorcyclist was carrying to fire, shooting the rider in the chest. The Chevy driver fled the scene. The motorcyclist, a 60-year-old Pennsylvania man, suffered serious injuries and was rushed by ambulance to a Denver hospital. Police recovered the handgun at the scene, Cole said. Gilpin County sheriff's deputies later found the Chevy sedan abandoned at a campground north of Black Hawk. The driver, a white man in his 30s or 40s, ran from the car. He was wearing a black T-shirt and black shorts. Police arrested the hit-and-run suspect about 1:30 p.m. after he was spotted near Highway 119 and Gap Road north of town. During the search for the driver, authorities sent emergency telephone notifications to residents in the area http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/local-news/motorcyclist-shot-by-his-own-gun-during-bizarre-hit-and-run-collision-in-black-hawk You just can't make this stuff up!
  2. CANTERBURY, N.H. (AP) – New Hampshire State Police have accused a motorcyclist of traveling over 130 mph in a 70 mph speed zone on Interstate 93. State police aircraft clocked the speed at 134 mph in the southbound lane in Canterbury at about 11 a.m. Monday and saw that it traveled in the breakdown lane and cut between lanes of traffic, passing vehicles. At times, the aircraft tracked the vehicle doing between 150 and 180 mph. http://boston.cbslocal.com/2014/08/11/swansea-motorcyclist-arrested-in-nh-for-allegedly-going-more-than-130-mph/ 180?!? WOW!
  3. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., August 5, 2014 – In a landslide today, Missouri voters took a powerful first step towards a nullification of gun control measures by approving a constitutional amendment “obligating” the state to defend the right to keep and bear arms against all infringements. Amendment 5, originally introduced in the Missouri legislature as Senate Joint Resolution 36 (SJR36), was passed into the Missouri state constitution by a huge margin today. At the time of this report, the measure had a 64% approval. The question posed to Missouri voters was: “Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to include a declaration that the right to keep and bear arms is a unalienable right and that the state government is obligated to uphold that right?” As passed by voters, Amendment 5 now affirms that “the right of every citizen to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person, family and property, or when lawfully summoned in aid of the civil power, shall not be questioned. The rights guaranteed by this section shall be unalienable. The state of Missouri shall be obligated to uphold these rights and shall under no circumstances decline to protect against their infringement.” [emphasis added] Interesting.... More here: http://blog.tenthamendmentcenter.com/2014/08/landslide-victory-first-step-to-gun-control-nullification-in-missouri/
  4. I miss that QST meet every time! QSL is fun to go to a couple of times but gets old quick. Unless you go with a group and go hang out later on. If you just want to go on a ride, there is usually something every weekend, just keep checking the board.
  5. Nice looking bike. Hope he gets it back.
  6. Taxpayer relief time. He's never getting out of jail. Going to cost us a fortune over the next decades. Of course that assumes he lasts that long in prison.
  7. Health care subsidies issue rushed to CourtNine days after two federal appeals courts reached opposite rulings on a major new threat to the federal health care law, challengers pursuing that threat rushed to the Supreme Court on Thursday with a plea to step in and settle the dispute as soon as possible. A petition for review was filed in a case from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, which had rejected the challenge on July 22. That conflicted directly with a ruling on the same day by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (see this earlier post.) At issue in the new case of King v. Burwell is whether government tax subsidies that have enabled millions of lower-income Americans to afford to sign up for individual health care coverage are illegal because they were granted for use on insurance marketplaces set up by the federal government. Those exchanges are functioning in thirty-sxi states. If those subsidies are now declared to be available only in the fourteen states that have created their own exchanges at the state government level, it is widely understood that this could cause the collapse of the entire economic edifice of the new health care law. The number of customers getting insurance on exchanges in so few states, and the essential role the subsidies play in the overall scheme, apparently would mean that the pool of purchasers would be far too small to support the ACA nationwide, as it is now crafted. As predicted More here: http://www.scotusblog.com/2014/07/health-care-subsidies-issues-rushed-to-court/
  8. https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8269845504/hF1CFE11B/ (Can't use the image extension on the board)
  9. Cell phone can be registered to a PO Box so reverse look up of the number may not get you the location where the bike is parked. Plate number cannot be registered to PO box so that is likely where the bike is at night. Add a hacker or crooked cop to the mix and ....
  10. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2705856/I-like-park-I-Russian-man-solves-crime-issue-winching-motorbike-outside-3rd-floor-window.html (video at link) I like to park it where I can see it: Russian man solves crime issue by winching motorbike up outside his 3rd floor window Boris Farihov, 56, came up with novel way to beat the the thievesA Russian man has come up with an ingenious way to beat the thieves - winching his beloved motorbike up to his third floor window to lock it away safely at night. After having two motorbikes stolen in quick succession it seemed Boris Farihov, 56, from Nizhny Novgorod in Western Russia would have to give up on two-wheeled transport altogether. But when his wife joked that the only way to keep a bike safe would be to keep it indoors it gave him a flash of inspiration. Scroll down for video Going up: Russian man Boris Farihov has found a novel way to beat the thieves - winching his motorcycle up to his third floor window every night Man goes to extreme lengths to look after his bike! So Mr Farihov purchased an electric motor and connected it up to a steel cable which he fixed on the wall, and now every time he needs the bike he simply presses a button and lowers it down to the ground below. He said: 'I had my first bike locked up with three padlocks but it was still stolen. 'The second bike I bought I had only had a day, and was planning to buy extra strong padlocks for it, but it disappeared that night as well. Safe and sound: Mr Farihov purchased an electric motor and connected it up to a steel cable which he fixed on the wall, and now every time he needs the bike he simply presses a button and lowers it down Mr Farihov's first bike was stolen from outside his apartment block despite being locked up with three padlocks. He had the second for just one day before that too was stolen Investment: The heavy-duty winch that Mr Farihov uses to haul his motorbike to safety every night 'After that I decided I needed to come up with something else and my wife jokingly said the only safe place to keep it would be indoors – and I thought why not?' Then in the evening he winches the vehicle backup to the third floor balcony in his flat in the Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod and sleeps well at night knowing that it is safe and will not be stolen. He said: 'It is not much more work than putting three padlocks on the bike, and it's a lot more secure.' Police in Nizhny Novgorod said that motorbike theft was a growing problem with professional gangs targeting even low value machines which were usually quickly resold for their spare parts after being broken up. Easy rider: Mr Farihov can sleep soundly at night knowing his motorbike is safe
  11. Another one. "Forgotten" in the car for hours. Sad. http://www.kwch.com/news/local-news/baby-dies-in-hot-car-in-south-wichita/27139842 WICHITA, Kan. – A 10-month-old Kansas girl died after being strapped for more than two hours inside a sweltering car, and police arrested a foster parent who said he'd forgotten about her until something on TV jogged his memory, an official said Friday. The 29-year-old man was booked on suspicion of aggravated endangerment but has not been charged, said Lt. Todd Ojile of the Wichita Police Department. The case will be presented early next week to prosecutors. The investigation found that the girl was picked up from the baby sitter at around 4 p.m. Thursday and brought home, where she was "somehow forgotten" in the back seat of the car in Wichita, where temperatures were around 90 degrees. The foster parent went inside the house with a 5-year-old child that had also been with him, but left the baby strapped in the car seat in the parked car outside the house. Emergency dispatchers got a call at 6:41 p.m. Thursday, and the girl was pronounced dead at the scene a few minutes later.
  12. It's not too late yet. Of course you have to ask, who would buy it? FOR SALE: Political System For Sale: Broken Political system. Lots of corruption. Lawlessness thrown in with no extra charge. Includes three branches of the greatest idea yet that has become dysfunctional. Pros: Extra misleading rhetoric included at no extra charge! Political correctness included at no extra charge! Free entitled "Political Ruling Class" no extra charge! Free Media wonks no extra charge! Cons: Does not follow the constitution. Will cost you more that you can imagine. Cannot be paid for by any succeeding generation. Never ending exponential tax increases. * Liberty not included. ** Includes "The Federal Reserve Bank" *** Void where prohibited by law. **** Your mileage may vary, batteries not included.
  13. Nice to know that the fix is in. On the other hand, it is sure to be appealed no matter who wins this round. Nor is this the only suit out there. So we will get to watch the court battles for some time yet. Think I'll just sit back and watch the show....
  14. Creating a "Crisis"!!! Hoping to stem the recent surge of migrants at the Southwest border, the Obama administration is considering whether to allow hundreds of minors and young adults from Honduras into the United States without making the dangerous trek through Mexico, according to a draft of the proposal. If approved, the plan would direct the government to screen thousands of children and youths in Honduras to see if they can enter the United States as refugees or on emergency humanitarian grounds. It would be the first American refugee effort in a nation reachable by land to the United States, the White House said, putting the violence in Honduras on the level of humanitarian emergencies in Haiti and Vietnam, where such programs have been conducted in the past amid war and major crises. Critics of the plan were quick to pounce, saying it appeared to redefine the legal definition of a refugee and would only increase the flow of migration to the United States. Administration officials said they believed the plan could be enacted through executive action, without congressional approval http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/25/world/americas/administration-weighs-plan-to-move-processing-of-youths-seeking-entry-to-honduras-.html?_r=0 Importing new democrats by the boatload directly by executive order. Barry has a pen and a phone. He has no need for the rest of the government. He doesn't need no "Stinkin' Laws" he does as he pleases with or with out the will of the people on his side. Good thing all you need to vote is a utility bill and not citizenship. Another winning strategy from the White House. All hail "KING OBAMA"! He rules by decree not law /s> 10 years ago no one would believe this could even happen, now it is a reality. We are directly importing illegal aliens and charging the taxpayers to do it. What a difference a president can make as the rest of the government does nothing. If he was a republican the fall out in the press would be endless. He would be tarred, feathered and run out of office. The administration is even bragging that they are circumventing the law and by-passing congress and the senate. Does anybody find this a little un-nerving? Your tax dollars are being spent to dilute your vote. You are paying to be powerless. Got to get them in before the election. To extend the hate, both the democrat (D) and the democrat lights ® are doing nothing to protect you the citizen and your voice in how the government that rules you is run.
  15. Festival Flyers Have Residents Asking If ‘Straight White Guy Festival’ Is Real Or A Joke http://www.10tv.com/content/stories/2014/07/17/columbus-ohio-festival-flyers-have-residents-asking-if-straight-white-guy-festival-is-real-or-a-joke.html COLUMBUS, Ohio - Goodale Park is the home to an ever growing number of festivals, including the Gay Pride Parade and ComFest. But a flyer that's gone up around Clintonville is sending a less inclusive message. It's promoting the Straight White Guy Festival. It claims the festival will be held in Goodale Park in September. Several pictures of the flyers tacked on telephone poles were posted on Twitter. In a community where the push for equality is on full display, not everyone appreciates the message. “This kind of thing implies there's some kind of struggle going on for being a straight white person in Ohio. Straight white people are doing just fine,” said Michael Premo. Premo heads an organization pushing same-sex marriage. He says the flyer is not productive. Clintonville is in a panic the "Straight White Guys" might be moving into the area. :lol: :
  16. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-07-22/obamacare-aid-for-plan-buyers-on-u-s-exchange-overturned.html President Barack Obama’s health-care overhaul suffered a potentially crippling blow as a U.S. appeals court ruled the government can’t give financial assistance to anyone buying coverage on the insurance marketplace run by federal authorities. The decision, if it withstands appeals, may deprive more than half the people who signed up for Obamacare the tax credits they need to buy a health plan. Hmm...... No opinion on this, don't want to be shouted down by the fanboys. But even so.... interesting article.
  17. Tech note. I clocked one of these cpu's to 4.1gig stable on a regular stock fan, air cooling. Could go higher with a better fan or water cooling. GLWTS
  18. Sounds like the standard reaming. You don't even get to feel "special" over the whole thing. Nice how they calculate it from "Gross" not "Net" income so your "Rate" goes from ~32% to ~42% if your income. (income taxes + FICA + etc + etc + Student Loans)
  19. True on both counts. Used to go down the street a bit and get some chow after seeing the "Show". But even so, after awhile it started taking quite a long time to get an order of wings. More than once there were literally over 1000 bikes of every type and even squadrons of scooters. Quite a spectacle. Always loved the Helicopter action, very intimidating.
  20. I don't know anybody there but when the ORDN guys show we always had a nice time getting food and chatting later. That and some of the bikes there are pretty interesting. Haven't made it this year but I might just to see the bikes. The pirates and the squids make for a nice mix in the crowd, but you can always tell the real riders by their bikes. Meh, if your bored and it's a Wednesday....
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