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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. Yikes! That sure would be a surprise.
  2. Interesting development... Sounds like it might be a good thing. Until this happened I didn't realize just how much land the feds had control of. Nor how badly they were managing it. Seems like they were using it as a personal wealth builder instead of being stewards for the public. I'm thinking it's past time to clip the wings of the self-serving political class.
  3. Sorry, your right D-Rod not A-Rod. I stand corrected
  4. If D-Rod says he's ok, he must be ok.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HBcOW_fd1M
  6. Kinda long but it's a great "Follow-the-money-trail" article. Looks like the last rancher in the county is about to get steam rollered. Look at who he is up against. From: http://noisyroom.net/blog/2014/04/17/latest-clintonobama-cronies-behind-push-to-remove-bundy-cattle/ Yea, I know, not a mainstream source.
  7. Amendment XThe powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. A small legal hurdle for the BLM. This guy does have a point. The feds are basically foreclosing on the land without any clear legal right to do so. I'm waiting for an executive order and Eric Holder to decide that this is something he should prosecute under the "Broad Discretion" to selectively enforce the law that he claims he has. There isn't much land left in Nevada. The Harry Reid angle is priceless.
  8. The militia is an interesting move. Haven't seen them in play politically much before. They are quite open about it as well. Odd they are not getting the standard "Tin-Foil-Hat" treatment this time in the media. Interesting how the State is acting vs the Feds. My guess is there is quite a bit going on behind the scene here. Ought to be interesting how this shakes out in view of the recent complaints against the BLM from everybody in the last couple of years.
  9. No, I would expect them to vote for whoever would give them their benefits back. Even if it were the "fucking Republicans". Human nature being what it is. I would also expect that the ones promising more and more benefits would get a larger and larger share of the votes from people. I also would expect that at some point in time the increases would run out of other peoples money to spend on them causing a crash when they run out of other peoples money to spend. Then what? So your saying that in fact they did influence the vote with their policies? Not surprised. But then you are agreeing with me that it does in fact have an effect. Does this mean that all Dems are a dependency class of voters? Hmm.... not sure I can agree with that. A percentage, sure, but not the whole party. But that percentage does have an effect. I wonder if anybodies done a study on this? What am I thinking, of course somebody has. It is vital information for both parties election strategies. I wonder if it can be found on line... Ok, found a bunch, google 'entitlements vs voting patterns' and you find stuff like this Source: http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2013/11/the-2013-index-of-dependence-on-government At some point it will collapse under it's own weight. I'm thinking this would be a bad thing. Wouldn't this make the Dems policies a bit of a problem in the long run? Ah, there we go. Not all Dems, just some. Note also that the Repubs are listed too. A bit less of a percentage but they are still there. I wonder too at your VFW et all people. Why were they so upset at the others? A shrewd guess might be that they worked hard all their lives and felt that they wasted their time. Or didn't get any advantage over those that did not work hard all their lives. They felt they should have gotten more for their effort. Perhaps this was the source of their resentment. Both parties have played this game. True the Dems are better at it but they both have done it. Bi-partisan. As Tonik points out neither side is without blame. So getting back to the point here of voter ID. Would it not make sense to try to get a law passed that state ID is free for those that ask for it? Then you could have photo voter ID without any of the problems that you have pointed out. The cost would be minimal and you would avoid the "Big Brother" issue completely. It would also keep the dead from voting as well as the illegal immigrants or the so called "Un-documented Democrats". It would also end the false argument of voter suppression always benefits the Repubs. Of course it would not stop real voter fraud but as everyone so happily points out that is a small percentage. Of course the corollary is also true if you can't check it how could you tell it isn't happening.
  10. The IRS did in fact do this. Lois Lerner is in contempt of congress for it right now. And they were in fact selective over who they targeted. I'm not sure I get the point of your post. Your saying Florida is conservative? Or not? In your statement you selectively choose old retired people "in sunny climates pulling down social security, Medicare, Medicaid, prescription benefits and paying minimal taxes" as some kind of "class envy" point? Or what? I'm a little slow before my second cup of coffee, I'm missing your point. Old people who paid into the system their whole lives and are now getting less than 1/10th of 1% back on their investment are bad people because... Paying minimal taxes as they have a small income is bad, why? Sorry, I'm just not getting your point here.
  11. In the latest twist on this. It looks like the Chinese are in on it with the help of Harry Reid. http://www.infowars.com/breaking-sen-harry-reid-behind-blm-land-grab-of-bundy-ranch/ You just can't make this stuff up.
  12. The dead only eat brains which are free, everybody knows that. Interesting also is the Dems using the IRS to target voter registration drives but only if they are Repubs or Tea Partiers. Oddly enough they have no problems with the Greens or the Communist party. Dems also are de-facto buying their voter base with your money in the form of entitlements. Not quite so noble when you look at it that way.
  13. Another way of saying this would be that more of the Repubs base vote all the time in in every election than do Dems. Which isn't the same thing but gets you the same result. So the claim of voter suppression seems like it holds water when in fact it is comparison between a causation without a matching correlation. In short it's a 'Bait-and-switch' argument. Saying it is so does not make it so. Voter ID laws do not equal voter suppression. That argument can't be made for just the reason I pointed out. If you want to make that claim fine, get a better argument. Your right about the universal ID being an issue that isn't popular with anybody for just the reasons you mentioned. Yet we still have voter registration but no verification to see if your even a citizen. Without verification why have registration at all? Either do it or don't do it. On the other hand how do we feel about dead people voting? With or without ID I'm thinking we can all agree that this is not a good thing. It does seem that the way to find out if they are is a voter ID law to force voter registrations to check. Which is a side effect of Ohio's law and also the one in North Carolina and at least 28 other states it would seem. Voter registration, it's not just for jury duty. In interesting aside to this, if I believe a fast check on line, there are more Repubs than Dems which might also explain your voter suppression theory. Check it out - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_party_strength_in_U.S._states Be careful with your assumptions here. She is shown with a voter ID card, not a mandatory universal ID card. Note the photo, that was the point, even there they want a photo. Ohio non-driver ID $8.50 - Not that hard to get. http://www.bmv.ohio.gov/fees_for_services.stm
  14. Trying Out a 3D-Scanner That Makes Helmets Custom-Molded to Your Head Related Watch a Motorcycle Helmet Become a Pinstriped Masterpiece in Minutes Pinstriping is an old school hot rod style that's become an art form all its own. At an event hosted by Bell Helmets, we got to watch master… Read… It's not hard to find a badass-looking helmet for your adrenaline-fueled hobbies. The trick is finding one that fits correctly. For decades, that's meant buying a standard (S/M/L) size lid and rearranging the padding to conform to your noggin. Recently, I got to try out a much better way. Bell Helmets wants to bring helmet fitting into the 21st century, using 3D scanning to build a helmet to the exact contours of your head—no matter how weird and lumpy it is. Getting a proper fitting helmet is about more than just comfort. The best lid in the world won't do your skull much good if it's so loose it flies off your head while you're flying off your machine, while a helmet that pinches, pushes, or prods your noggin is one you'll be reluctant to wear. Hitting the right balance of snug-but-comfortable, and checking off all the pointers that make sure you're protected, can be a frustrating game for those of us with oddly-shaped domes. Bell's new tech hopes to change that. At a Bell event in New York City, I got the chance to go through the scanning process that makes this helmet customization possible. Conceptually, it's pretty simple. After putting on a spandex cap to mash your hair down tight against your skull, you just sit still while a technician walks a proprietary, handheld 3D scanning eye around your head. Related 7 Reasons Never to Give 4Chan a 3D Printer Over at 3D printing marketplace Shapeways.com, inspired individuals are free to post their 3D-printable creations for all the world to buy. And sure, … Read… In my case, that technician was Joe Tomascheski, senior product developer for parent company Easton-Bell Sports. Once you've been scanned, the computer creates a manipulatable 3D rendering of your head, neck, and shoulders. On screen, it looks unsettlingly like a Shapeways schematic for a 3D printed toy. From these 3D coordinates, Bell makes a fully custom helmet liner that matches the unique contours of your head. This process takes a few days, and is a closely-guarded company secret, so while I wasn't able to see or try on a customized helmet, Tomascheski explained what happens next. Once you've been scanned, your 3D coordinates are sent back to Bell. They're used to create a bespoke interior core, which is assembled into a complete helmet. This isn't a process of tacking pieces of foam into an off-the-shelf lid; instead, it creates a single inner shell of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS), the same material used in stock Bell helmets, but shaped to the exact specs from the 3D scan. As Tomascheski explained, Bell prototyped the helmet customization service with powersports athletes for the past year and a half. Since the process involves changes to the way the helmets are constructed, Bell worked directly with both the U.S. Department of Transportation and the independent Snell Foundation to ensure the custom-built helmets meet the most stringent rating requirements. A key facet in certification was the fact that these designs only add foam thickness where needed—no material is removed from the baseline foam thickness of a standard helmet. Tomascheski was very careful about phrasing this, but he told me that in certain cases during testing, the added foam thickness in the custom-tailored helmets decreased impact force when compared to standard models. Bell first offered the scanning service to a small group of customers and professional racers at the 2013 Superbike World Championship at Laguna Seca, and it'll continue to show the technology at both dirt and street motorcycle events throughout the summer. By late 2014, the company hopes to bring the service to about 20 Bell dealers around the country. Currently, the company plans to offer the extreme customization on two of its full-face motorcycle helmets: the street-oriented Star Carbon (the black helmet shown above) and the off-road Moto-9. Exact pricing hasn't been set, but at around $550-650 for the helmet, plus an estimated $400 for the custom fitment, this option probably won't be cheap. But these are just the first steps toward the future of helmet customization. Tomascheski tells me that Bell will keep scanned head dimensions on file, making it easy—and cheaper—to order subsequent custom-tailored lids. Plus the data the company gathers will help fine-tune the designs of both customized and off-the-shelf helmets in the future, and the technology might grow to include the company's Giro brand of bicycle and snow sports helmets. If you've got helmet-wearing hobbies, and you take your brain seriously, that price is probably worth it. Because with helmets, it's what's on the inside that really counts. http://gizmodo.com/trying-out-a-3d-scanner-that-makes-custom-molded-helmet-1552259827
  15. KABUL, Afghanistan — Afghans braved the rain, muddy streets and possible attacks by militants to head to the polls Saturday, voting in what turned out to be a mostly peaceful election that marks the first transfer of presidential power since the Taliban fell in 2001. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2014/04/05/afghanistan-elections/7343425/ They have voter ID cards so they can vote in Afghanistan, a place where you would might expect to have troubles. I can't buy the argument that voter registration is racist. Or that having an photo id card is racist. Or that the 'dis-enfranchised' are being discriminated against. It seems that only the democrats complain about the idea of photo ID. The objections would have a lot more credibility if they were bipartisan.
  16. This is warming up. BLM has temporarily backed down. Snipers for COW control is a little over the top. Accusations of the BLM killing the cows to teach the old man a lesson are out there too. Over 200 'troops', helicopters, armored vehicles, snipers vs an old man and some cows. Just starting to get picked up in the lamestream media http://www.cnn.com/2014/04/10/us/nevada-rancher-rangers-cattle-showdown/ http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/04/07/nevada-officials-blast-feds-over-treatment-cattle-rancher-cliven-bundy/ http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Latest-News-Wires/2014/0410/Nevada-cattle-wars-Nevada-senator-sides-with-rancher-against-feds http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/apr/11/militias-head-nevada-ranchers-standoff-feds-were-n/ Now international http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2602431/Nevada-ranchers-cowboys-break-federal-blockade-round-30-head-cattle-land-dispute-row-intensifies.html
  17. Strictly Street


    Actually I'm surprised it isn't higher in view of haw much care they put into it.
  18. It would seem that Eric Holders Justice Department is very concerned that voter Id laws are racist attempts at voter suppression. But it also would seem that the more states that pass laws allowing voter id checks to be made come up with things like this. Purging the voter rolls of dead people and those that have moved out of state seems like a good idea. Identifying voter irregularities also seems like a good idea. I am curious why people keep saying that it was a poll workers error. In both states in the same election sounds a little fishy. Another curious reality seems to be that it falls on party lines who wants to clean up the voter rolls and who wants to leave them the way they are. Ohio did the same kind of checking also and purged the rolls of a lot of dead people and voters who moved away. North Carolina is far and away ahead of Ohio in sheer numbers of voter registration errors which leads me to wonder what the rest of the states are like. They only checked against 28 states not all 50. So in present day political terms that means we have 28 racist states and 22 non-racist states. By inference that would mean that non-racist states seem to prefer dead people on the voter rolls while racist ones do not. For reference, Eric Holders justice Department is suing North Carolina over their voter registration law due to take effect fully in 2015 right before the next major election in 2016. This part of the law is only the verification of the voter rolls called for in the law. The ID part comes later and would be just in time for the next Presidential election. I'm glad to see that the story has been picked up by the mainstream media leading to more reasonable discussion instead of lighting straw men on fire. Curious to see how the story turns out now that it has national attention and it will get follow up attention as well.
  19. Raleigh, N.C. – House Speaker Thom Tillis (R-Mecklenburg) and Senate Leader Phil Berger (R-Rockingham) issued a joint statement Wednesday in response to more alarming evidence of voter error and fraud discovered by the North Carolina State Board of Elections. Initial findings from the Board presented to the Joint Legislative Elections Oversight Committee today show: 765 voters with an exact match of first and last name, DOB and last four digits of SSN were registered in N.C. and another state and voted in N.C. and the other state in the 2012 general election.35,750 voters with the same first and last name and DOB were registered in N.C. and another state and voted in both states in the 2012 general election.155,692 voters with the same first and last name, DOB and last four digits of SSN were registered in N.C. and another state – and the latest date of registration or voter activity did not take place within N.C.These findings only take into account data from the 28 states who participated in the 2014 Interstate Crosscheck, leaving out potential voter error and fraud in the 22 states that do not participate in the consortium. Additionally, during an audit of death records from the Department of Health and Human Services, the Board discovered: 50,000 new death records that had not previously been provided to the State Board of Elections.13,416 deceased voters on the voter rolls in October 2013.81 deceased voters that had voter activity after they died. http://www.westernfreepress.com/2014/04/03/new-evidence-of-massive-vote-fraud-where-is-eric-holder/ Tried to find this on a "Big Three" website, but it doesn't seem to be "news".
  20. Pedestrian crossing sign in Ørje on the Swedish border.
  21. Now OSHA is in on the program. No way to defend your company from this many federal agencies at once unless your Microsoft. Going after the ammo manufacturers. Seems almost like a plan. Shut down all smelting operations, go after the manufacturers etc... http://www.nbcmontana.com/news/fbi-raids-bozeman-based-usa-brass/25195168
  22. Here is a few from this year. I used mixed sources so there are a few points of view represented. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/02/19/obama-administrations-plan-to-study-newsrooms-is-drawing-plenty-of-public-opposition/ http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2014/02/22/media-silence-explained-soros-fingerprints-on-fcc-newsroom-probe http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/16/us/politics/under-fire-white-house-pushes-to-revive-media-shield-bill.html?_r=0 http://books.google.com/books?id=NkbAAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA155&lpg=PA155&dq=Justice+Department%E2%80%99s+use+of+a+broad+subpoena+to+obtain+calling+records+of+Associated+Press+reporters+in+connection+with+a+leak+investigation&source=bl&ots=CzkS-euk0h&sig=MkLO_fcbw_hgHKOTOc0M5jyxqls&hl=en&sa=X&ei=vWs3U8yROcvjsASdooCwCA&ved=0CCYQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Justice%20Department%E2%80%99s%20use%20of%20a%20broad%20subpoena%20to%20obtain%20calling%20records%20of%20Associated%20Press%20reporters%20in%20connection%20with%20a%20leak%20investigation&f=false http://articles.latimes.com/2013/sep/12/nation/la-na-shield-law-20130913 http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2013/09/18/holes-in-media-shield-law-worry-opponents-and-even-some-supporters http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2013/05/15/obama-schumer-associated-press-shield-law/2161913/ This quote is a gem: "Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) insisted on limiting the legal protection to "real reporters" and not, she said, a 17-year-old with his own website." She is the one that pushed the idea of the IRS targeting conservatives (ie: The Tea Party) so we know where she is going with this one. Ona semi-related note: Jesse was a fairly anonymous fellow blogging from the bowels of the White House campus (he’s its “director of progressive media”), trying to fan any flames of imaginary optimism he could find out there about the Obamacare tax-fraud scheme that is now upon us. (looks like this is the job title of the Whitehouse team of shills) Nothing really new here past the medium they are trying to control. People have been trying to control what others say since, well forever.
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