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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. Strictly Street


    Interestingly, the WSJ found out two days ago that “pro-Russian demonstrators” in Donetsk were actual Russians being bussed from Russia into Donetsk to take part in demonstrations. So perhaps the “locals” had a little outside “help”.
  2. From the "It Can't Happen Here" department... Showdown: Maryland to Target 110,000 Citizens With Gun ConfiscationAuthorities in Maryland are set to target 110,000 citizens with gun confiscation under a new law that would link the state’s gun registry with its criminal database, with new troopers set to be hired to enforce door to door visits of illegal gun owners. http://www.dcclothesline.com/2014/03/05/showdown-maryland-target-110000-citizens-gun-confiscation/ And just because it can't happen there either. CONFIRMED: Gun Confiscation Has Begun In Connecticut http://www.rightwingnews.com/uncategorized/confirmed-gun-confiscation-has-begun-in-connecticut/ And for the other side: Navy vet defiantly confronts lawmakers over Conn. gun law: ‘I will not comply!’http://www.bizpacreview.com/2014/03/04/navy-vet-defiantly-confronts-lawmakers-over-conn-gun-law-i-will-not-comply-104408 Remember it all started with common sense laws to keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people - that would be you. (Background checks = Gun owner lists) + Addresses to visit = Enemy of the state. Now I see why every police department needs a tank. It's for the new criminal class. Coming soon to a state near you. Remember he has a pen and a phone.
  3. The Obama administration is set to announce another major delay in implementing the Affordable Care Act, easing election pressure on Democrats. Prolonging the “keep your plan” fix will avoid another wave of health policy cancellations otherwise expected this fall. The cancellations would have created a firestorm for Democratic candidates in the last, crucial weeks before Election Day. Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/healthwatch/health-reform-implementation/199784-new-obamacare-delay-to-help-midterm-dems#ixzz2v0n2YNH6 Anybody keeping track of how many delays so far?Anybody keeping track of how close they are to election day?Anybody keeping track of how much they are supposed to sway the elections?Anybody keeping track of how much the American people feel hustled by all the lies and misrepresentation? If this is such a good law with all the glowing reports from Obama and company why are they trying to dodge responsibility for all the goodness on mid term election day? Nobody can defend this anymore. It was passed and we found out what was in it. Even the people that promoted it won't take responsibility for it. Begun, the blame game has. I'm guessing it's this guys fault: Ought to be in full swing by the 2016 elections.
  4. Part of Time Warner's charm is that they have exclusive arrangements with some areas. As in you will not get a choice and nobody else will be moving into your area. Cable and Telco companies have already lobbied and had laws passed in areas outlawing any competition with their de-facto monopolies. This has affected tries for Municipal area networks leaving places with no choice but bad service. Also forget building your own network, that's pretty well shot down too. On the other hand the talk of nationwide wi-fi network that pops up every couple of years sounds like a nice option. Other countries have gigabit networks everywhere, but not here. Sigh...
  5. Comcast bought Time Warner which is to say they bought Roadrunner. Comcast has long advocated a policy of "Pay to Play" for content providers such as Netflix. Last week Netflix and Comcast reached an un-disclosed agreement regarding peering and bandwidth costs. Netflix has complained in the past the Comcast was slowing their traffic down as a deliberate tactic trying to get Netflix to pay more than the going rate for traffic over the Comcast network Rumor has it that Netflix was their first target to get the other content providers to fall in line. With the recent FCC ruling regarding "Net Neutrality" Comcast is free to charge content providers anything they want to deliver their services to their customers. They can legally put Netflix out of business with the recent FCC ruling. Which they heavily lobbied for through various lobbying groups that they support. Watch for a price increase from Netflix in the near future. Meanwhile back in Road Runner land. Their "Build-out" or network capacity for local areas is rather famous in the industry for over selling their bandwidth. They have been accused of grossly over inflating their claim of how fast they really are. From my personal experience with them their service is rather spotty. One area the speeds are fast, a mile or two away the speeds are not so good. Their customer service hasn't been consistent giving me the feeling I was often talking to the "New Guy" who didn't have a clue. Often they refuse to believe that the problem is even theirs referring to virus and malware activity on the users end as the problem. Getting a real tech on the line is often so difficult as to make you want to cancel the service entirely and start over again. Pro-tip: When calling them tell them you are a Unix Sysadmin. Blows their minds and the will boot you the next level often getting a better tech on the line. WOW by comparison has lower rates, faster speeds and doesn't nickel and dime you to death for every little thing such as extra IP addresses.
  6. Well that didn't work. If I could just find that pic again......
  7. Another one today in Hong Kong. WTF is this thing with bankers?
  8. Not a bad plan at all. Especially riding with new people and new roads.
  9. Last year was a blast - Hope this year is as good or better!
  10. Found this: http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/61200 Reads like something from a Tom Clancy spy novel.
  11. I noticed that the riders with gear walked away. A lot of people went wide in the turn, right off the road. Too fast for traffic. And of course cagers are dangerous.
  12. I'm thinking that it would be especially true if you didn't sign. You can't be the only one to ever have this trouble. Some lawyer out there is waiting to talk to you. I'm kinda surprised your insurance company isn't working with you on this one. They have lawyers on staff just for this very thing. Furthermore you should include the cost of legal services in the suit and don't forget to pay yourself for the trouble of having to sue in the first place by keeping record of how many hours it took you to on the phone etc. Money damages must be proved, write it down.
  13. Future medical bulls bills, hidden damage to the vehicle beyond what their estimates are etc.
  14. Sounds like a standard if bullshit dodge by the Insurance company to get out of a payment. Some things to consider. They are legally obligated to pay in a reasonable time frame. Their comment that unless you sign you get nothing is BS. They will stick to their story until somebody tells them to knock it off. May I recommend the State Insurance Commission. They control the license for Safe Auto to sell insurance in the state of Ohio. Next see a lawyer. Sue them both for damages, legal fees and court costs. Don't sign anything. Stop wasting time and effort with their BS policies. Sue them both and complain to the state. Just for fun don't take their calls when they change their tune and suddenly want to talk to you.
  15. On a related note, somebody is not only thinking about tracking you, some are actually doing it. 192-megapixel cameras (Plural), wow. http://www.washingtonpost.com/posttv/national/new-eyes-in-the-sky-for-police/2014/02/05/87d72b84-8e82-11e3-b46a-5a3d0d2130da_video.html http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/new-surveillance-technology-can-track-everyone-in-an-area-for-several-hours-at-a-time/2014/02/05/82f1556e-876f-11e3-a5bd-844629433ba3_print.html
  16. So your thinking that it is a test of the tracking abilities of some new type of gear that will be deployed elsewhere. Interesting. There is a lot of air traffic along that corridor so I guess it would get a nice workout of tracking things. Just seems odd that they are tracking more US territory than international waters in an area that already has a lot of security. As you point out they already have the real estate to play with.
  17. I'm thinking the difference is that the AWACS planes weren't on station for 30 days at a stretch. Also they are watching more of the USA interior than the coastline. See coverage map here (http://apps.washingtonpost.com/g/page/national/surveillance-aircraft-floating-high-above-maryland/752/) Doesn't seem to me they are watching for cruise missiles after all unless they are expecting one from the Pennsylvania Dutch. Perhaps data tapping all the cell phones on the east coast? Particularly the Washington to New York cell traffic. Just a thought, after all the cover story doesn't make sense. Cruise missiles? From where? A sub in the Atlantic? Really? From who?
  18. Forget about the NSA. These guys are _NOT_ setting up a network to track you directly. Nothing to see here citizen, move along, move along. There is zero potential for this to get out of hand. Posse Comitatus anyone? Link here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/blimplike-surveillance-crafts-set-to-deploy-over-maryland-heighten-privacy-concerns/2014/01/22/71a48796-7ca1-11e3-95c6-0a7aa80874bc_story.html More on how they work and the range of tracking for ground targets for the East coast. http://apps.washingtonpost.com/g/page/national/surveillance-aircraft-floating-high-above-maryland/752/ What they are likely to attach to it. http://libertyblitzkrieg.com/2013/01/29/meet-argus-the-worlds-highest-resolution-video-surveillance-platform/ http://www.raytheon.com/capabilities/products/mts_b/ 24/7 ground surveillance down to individual people. Not to worry though its just meta-data.
  19. Frequent flyer miles must be stacking up!
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