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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. The comments section after the article are pretty predictable but they all seem to agree the rider must have had some skillz to get away. Interesting quote from the article: Police said the plates and VIN # didn't match for whatever that is worth.
  2. I think we are going to agree on this part. The only quibble I would offer is that Corporations operate under the rules set up by the Government. Which may be a chicken-egg kinda statement on a case-by-case basis. The difference seems to be that I think the ACA is one of the things that is going to screw us all in the long term and you don't. Fair enough, we see things differently.
  3. I have to dis-agree. Financial motivation is just that. It's based on money as obvious as that sounds it is a single track. It is it's own self interest which by definition is based on market sources. Politically appointed panels can and will be made up of special interest groups. Lets imagine the panel is made up from former corporate officers from GlaxoSmithKline, or AstraZeneca. (which are not USA companies for added intrigue) And lets throw in some lobbyists and the not at all corrupt FDA. The result is a total lock on the USA pharmaceutical industry. Before you say it couldn't happen ask yourself if you had a billion dollar industry would you pass up that opportunity? How much would that be worth to you? How many politicians would you have to buy to get a forever monopoly on that market? Would you pass up that opportunity? Remember there is no oversight in picking the members. It is a system designed to be corrupted.
  4. I'm trying to follow the logic, they don't exist because they have always existed? Hmm.... Ok, then lets call them "Politically Organized Risk Assessment and Disbursement Panels" The point is not that there is no decisions made but that they will be politically based instead of actuarial based.
  5. Voting records in Oakland County show Farrenkopf, who has not been positively identified by the Medical Examiner’s Office, is shown as voting in the November 2010 gubernatorial election. Pontiac city records indicate Farrenkopf registered to vote in 2006 and had not voted until 2010, but officials point out that could have been an administrative error and she may not have actually cast a vote. The city clerk, who was not in that job in 2010, said infrequent voters tend to vote in presidential elections, like 2008, over gubernatorial elections like the one in 2010. “Everything to date points toward late 2008,” Bouchard said of the woman’s death. “This information, obviously, has to be run to its logical conclusion.”
  6. Of course they are. I can also think of self employed people who now qualify for Medicare. And yes they are talking points too! As in Obama saying look how I helped this guy. Isn't the ACA just wonderful! Harry Reid assures me that everyone who claims a bad experience with the ACA are all liars! There is no fall out from the ACA. Only good things happening to good people. Nancy Polosi is ecstatic that we will all be liberated from our jobs. No one will have to work again! Obama himself assured me that I would be saving $2500/yr in premiums. And I could keep my doctor and my healthcare plan if I wanted too! There is no such thing as a free lunch. Somebody has to pay. Whether or not you see it yet the ACA is not free health care. It is a tax and a very expensive one at that. I can name those that have lost insurance, hours on the job limited due to the ACA, those with sticker shock over the rate increases. And we don't even have to talk about the company plans that will be ended after Obama stops trying to protect his political base and puts the full screws in, yet. The employer mandate - delayed. The personal mandate - delayed. When all the delays end after his term in office is over it wont be pretty. For the average family of 4 the CBO projects a $10/hr pay cut ($20,000 premiums / 2000 hrs per year) due to the tax bite this is putting on the taxpayer. Any talk over a subsidy simply means somebody else is paying the difference between what you pay and what it actually costs. How does the ACA pay for the subsidies? By reaching into your pocket and taking it. Are you ready for your pay cut? About the level of care you get. Medicare is cutting benefits to seniors. Vets are getting reduced benefits. Death panels are real. Drugs are being taken off the approved list. It's only going to get worse. But it sure looks good now doesn't it? Glad your friends got a deal on their healthcare.
  7. Read the article, the woman was dead and still managed to vote. No provision for finding out who is voting leads to this kind of fraud.
  8. That would get interesting, the states national guard kicking down doors - next step federal troops?
  9. And then there is the money end of it all. The whole thing was a bust from the start. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Not before Obama and clearly not with Obama. All of the talk of previous conditions and poor little citizens who fit a certain profile are just rhetoric. Not a heartless statement rather an observation on how well Obama controls the media talking points. As to the claim that it was going to be less expensive - How about this from Obama. http://www.publiusforum.com/2014/03/12/obama-tells-us-cancel-cell-phone-cable-pay-obamacare/ So it sounds like Obama knows what the rates are. He also knows the plans are expensive. He also is putting the brakes on the implementation dates to push them past the election dates. With good reason it would seem. Noble ideas + Good intentions = but it still fails
  10. Meanwhile, actual mummies are voting in mid-term elections http://youngcons.com/liberals-think-we-dont-need-voter-id-meanwhile-actual-mummies-are-voting-in-mid-term-elections/ :lol: :lol: Voters showing ID is racist say Zombies
  11. News upgrade - Workman's Comp leave, not suspended. (Injured by Facebook? Work related?)
  12. Took mine to work today. Not bad this AM, 40's. Might take a little longer to get home though, 60's. Snow tomorrow?!? WTF!!! Sigh... forgot, this is Ohio weather.
  13. Coming soon to you. Analysis from Wired.com http://www.wired.com/business/2014/03/comcast-opinion/ Graphic of where we are going.
  14. Connecticut Cop: “I Can’t Wait To Get The Order To Kick Your Door In”At least one Branford, CT, cop is itching to try to enforce Connecticut’s blatantly unconstitutional gun ban, and has told Cinque that he “cannot wait to get the order to kick your door in.” There are 1,120 State Police in Connecticut. There are less than 7,000 local police officers. Branford itself has just 51. I’m not sure that the threatening officer has thought through how hundreds of thousands of gun owners in the state—and not just those who own banned firearms—may respond to provocation. http://bearingarms.com/connecticut-cop-i-cant-wait-to-get-the-order-to-kick-your-door-in/ Bring in the usual suspects!
  15. Conn. police refuse to enforce new gun laws http://www.examiner.com/article/conn-police-refuse-to-enforce-new-gun-laws A showdown is developing between a sizable number of Connecticut state police officers and the politicians who passed into law highly restrictive gun control, gun bans, and bans on high capacity magazines. Gun rights legal expert and activist David Hardy reported Friday that 250 law enforcement officers in Connecticut have signed an open letter stating that they will not enforce the new anti-gun and magazine laws, which they consider to be a violation of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. A major news story on these developments is due to be published soon, but Hardy received an advanced notice via email from Tyler Jackson, the head of the Connecticut Peace Officers Association, the organization that sent the open letter. According to Hardy, Tyler Jackson has emailed me an interesting story, soon to appear online (I'll link to it once it does)-- the gist is that the head of the Connecticut Peace Officers' Assn has released an open letter stating that the police will not "be party to the oppression of the people of the state by enforcing an unconstitutional law." So far 250 LEOs have cosigned the letter. Interesting turn of events......
  16. More = less Um, that would be everyone everywhere. http://www.politico.com/story/2014/03/comcast-cash-spread-wide-on-capitol-hill-104469.html?hp=f2 But will it get you better service?
  17. Didn't get many miles in today but I did get a few. First time this year. Yes, I do feel better! Tomorrow is looking good as well!
  18. You must have missed this one from the most Transparent Presidency ever. The FCC rule to put a government monitor in every newsroom just to make sure the news was fair and proper. WHY is the Obama Administration Putting Government Monitors in Newsrooms? http://www.dailypaul.com/312845/why-is-the-obama-administration-putting-government-monitors-in-newsrooms http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/feb/20/white-house-sniff-out-newsrooms-troubling-and-dang/ Oh screw it, google it yourself and see what the guy with the pen and phone is really up to.
  19. Interesting. They cannot use the NICS database to get the info on the state level. Wonder where they get the info?
  20. Isn't this an infringement in and of itself? New legislation being considered by the Maryland House of Delegates would allow police to run checks of the state’s gun registry Isn't it illegal to even have a state gun database? New buyers have the background check which is destroyed after ten days, right?
  21. Under the new rule, people who maintain those plans, and who renew them as late as Oct. 1, 2016, will be able to keep them until as late as 2017. The administration Wednesday emphasized that the extension now includes people in the small-group market, whose employers will start becoming subject to Obamacare's mandates in 2015. The administration said it would be up to individual states to allow the extension, and whether to include both individuals and small group members in the waiver or just one category. http://www.cnbc.com/id/101469265 Pushing it past election day 2016 because its so good for the American people. That should hide the reality from the low information voters enough to keep a few Democrats in power. They shouldn't have to worry too much about the elections because nothing is happening to the voters over the Obamacare issue... Yet. It's still going to be George W's fault. Obama is still using him as a straw man / punching bag. Obama’s Budget Includes $5.5 Billion Obamacare Insurance Company BailoutsIn an embarrassing admission that insurance companies cannot survive insuring against risks that have already happened, the newly released 2015 Obama budget includes a provision to establish a $5.5 billion government-controlled fund to bailout insurance companies because of Obamacare. This was easily predictable using the old adages “money doesn’t grow on trees” and “there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Think about it. http://www.tpnn.com/2014/03/05/utterly-predictable-obamas-budget-includes-5-5-billion-obamacare-insurance-company-bailouts/
  22. Bitcoin firm CEO found dead after ‘suicide’http://nypost.com/2014/03/05/bitcoin-firm-ceo-found-dead-in-suspected-suicide/ Add one more.
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