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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. ^^^This! Kinda reminds me of chicken wings.
  2. Wonder how many of the kids don't have a dad of their own?
  3. That does sound a bit steep, non running. IDK Could be as simple as a set of points and plugs or as bad as a toasted motor. I think I would pass on that one unless I had a garage, some tools and really wanted to take the time to do a restoration. Even so thats still a bit for a non-running almost RD wannabe. The R5 wasn't as fast as the RD series and didn't have goodies like disc drakes in the front. More importantly, it wasn't an RD. Not sure if it was a 5 speed or not. The RD was a 6 speed. I've seen running 350's with the expansion chambers, spare motors and lots of extra parts and everything for under 2k. Some cheaper than that. You don't see them very often but they are still out there. You asked if anybody had one in the past....
  4. Where Congress Stands on Guns Fascinating graphic showing who is who in the NRA's opinon http://projects.propublica.org/guns/#nra
  5. Had one for a couple of years back in the day. Common problems, Points and plugs, always have spares with you. If I had one today I would switch out the points for an electronic unit. Same thing for the coils. Headlight is not so bright, a modern upgrade would be in order. I would also change out, move/replace those damn turn signals which catch on everything and snap like twigs. Pulling it out of the garage can cost you a turn signal. When buying watch for bent shift forks from 1st to 2nd speed shifts. The model "B" had the front disc brake, nice. Parts shouldn't be a problem lots of stuff around on fleabay. It was a real blast to ride! Good on gas too! Good luck!
  6. They sure do want to know who has what. The government database would only be used for good - never evil. :lol::lol: I think the major goal of all these bill is to get all transactions on record in a database. They will back down on everything but this. A quick look at history shows that this is how it all starts every time.
  7. His executive orders are only a foundation if Congress lets him get away with it. Congress answers to YOU! Let them know how you feel.
  8. Yes I did read it. My reasons are political based on the one main point of the background check. If it is open to all it will be required for all. No more private sales. No more gifts. No more inheritance. As soon as you do this they will be there to chip away at the opening you gave them.It's the slippery slope, any compromise is bad. Offering anything to the anti-gun crowd just fans the flames and winds them up. They will want more all the time and never stop. I don't believe we can give up one inch politically without starting a landslide of compromise and some politician somewhere will give just an inch more and then it's over. If you feel you should have a background check before selling a firearm to someone nothing is stopping you from doing just that, pay the fee and get the check at you local dealer. Another example might be Gun free zones are dropping like flies as school districts are arming their staff at parents request. Nothing needs to be done, it's taking care of itself. http://freebeacon.com/protecting-our-kids/ At one point in time military got a CCW without question or classes. If this has changed then demand it back. The states are setting up reciprocity already. Slowly, but it's getting done. Training is already available to anybody that wants it, so whats the big deal? Politically speaking, most of the gun laws being talked about, Fienstein and the rest have about a zero chance in congress. Local knee jerk reactions will be overridden by state legislatures, state knee jerks by constitutional challenge. Remember the Columbus handgun ban? DC gun ban? Chicago is in court right now and New York looks to be next. Even with the liberal Supreme court that is in session now the will to take a chance and get slapped down is not in the liberal mindset. They will back down and bide their time. So I repeat, no, don't do anything. Don't give up an inch. Don't let them have anything. And most of all, don't let them think you are willing to compromise on anything. Ben I know your heart is in the right place but you don't have the mind of a politician, thank God. They would turn your modest proposal into something you couldn't recognize. "Fast and Furious" Holder is on the Biden committee. Kinda says something right there.
  9. Registering every sale and/or transfer is a bad idea. It is the slippery slope. The scary media demon "Gun show Loophole" it is the very basis of our second amendment. The idea is that we as citizens are at least as well armed as the police/government and that they don't have a list of who we are. Gun violence is no different from other forms of violence. What you are advocating is legislating an end to violence. You know that won't work. Giving up an inch on this topic is giving up a mile. Don't give up anything! According to the popular American press which is not biased in any way this seems to be true. History however disagrees with this statement. In your lifetime entire populations have been wiped out. Wikipedia - just one example from the last few years http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_Genocide Machetes? Really? Yes, today there are no more Tutsi. The popular idea that such thing cannot happen here overlooks some very basic history right here in this country. At the beginning of WWII USA popular opinion was for Germany. We had concentration camps for the Japanese right here in this country. Etc, etc etc. If the government has a list of all gun owners which politician do you trust to not use it against you?
  10. No to everything. Not one thing on that list would have stopped Newtown. There is no need to punish the innocent for the actions of the guilty.
  11. What does this say about "Political Correctness" and the media. On the other hand as satire to point out the hypocrisy of it all.
  12. That sucks. Hope you don't have to tear it down too far to fix it.
  13. http://www.examiner.com/article/missteps-and-setbacks-impacting-gun-ban-momentum-as-gun-owners-start-to-advance Interesting article, well worth the read. (Selected excerpts below) +++++++++++++++ Gun owners, horrified and then outraged by a full court press from the government, the “Authorized Journalist” media and citizen disarmament advocacy groups, are beginning to push back in a coordinated effort, and are sensing that their enemies, over-confident and unrestrained, have let their reach exceed reality, and revealed an end game that’s beyond their grasp. +++++++++++++++ Take that message and share it with your representatives right now. If you don’t know yours, shame on you, but start making amends by contacting your Congressman and your Senators (and don’t forget your state representatives). If yours are confirmed and secure anti-gunners who can’t be persuaded, there’s nothing that says you can’t contact middle-of-the roaders somewhere else, even in another state. Sample text, which could be included in a contact form or email, printed on a post card, or relayed via fax or telephone call, could be something simple and unequivocal along the lines of: WE WON’T STAND FOR SCAPEGOATING NO NEW GUN LAWS DENY SUCCESS TO MASS MURDERERS BY ABOLISHING PHONY ‘GUN-FREE’ VICTIM / KILLER ENABLING ZONES NOW WORK WITH US OR WE WILL WORK TO RETIRE YOU ++++++++++++++ “Congressman Steve Stockman has introduced H.R. 35, the Safe Schools Act of 2013 -- a bill to allow principals, teachers, and staff to possess firearms in order to defend their students,” Gun Owners of America announced yesterday in a membership alert. ++++++++++++++++ A lot of stuff is going on keeping track of it is important.
  14. Interesting. Now I wonder about the new emissions from un-leaded and catalytic converters - Benzine. Wonder what that brings us?
  15. To be fair I'm sure there were a lot of LOE's working very hard for the public good during that emergency. It's also past obvious that some of them were working for themselves.
  16. Moving back to the original topic, we have this: In response to Gannett's Jounal News headquartered in White Plains, New York publishing an interactive map containing the names and addresses of all pistol permit holders in Westchester and Rockland Counties (previous related posts are here and here), blogger Robert Cox at NewRochelleTalk.com (HT Instapundit) has produced an interactive map at a post entitled "Where are the Journal News employees in your neighborhood?" It contains names, addresses, and various forms of Internet presence. Some of his narrative follows the jump: Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tom-blumer/2012/12/26/blogger-creates-interactive-map-employees-paper-which-published-names-an#ixzz2GG7y5FrO If in fact the pen is mightier than the sword doesn't it just make sense to publish their names? After all they could go off at any time.
  17. Didn't think of that angle, that could suck. On the other hand some places won't hire you if you smoke...
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