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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. Where are you located? Name: Mr Whitey....SIR Whitey.. Join Date: Jun 2006 Location: Mr Rogers Hood Interested in helmet, if it fits..
  2. See FCC rule 15, Impolite, yes. Illegal? I don't think so.
  3. Frederic Arthur (Fred) Clark | Visit Guest Book Frederic Arthur (Fred) Clark, who had tired of reading obituaries noting other's courageous battles with this or that disease, wanted it known that he lost his battle as a result of an automobile accident on June 18, 2006. True to Fred's personal style, his final hours were spent joking with medical personnel while he whimpered, cussed, begged for narcotics and bargained with God to look over his wife and kids. He loved his family. His heart beat faster when his wife of 37 years Alice Rennie Clark entered the room and saddened a little when she left. His legacy was the good works performed by his sons, Frederic Arthur Clark III and Andrew Douglas Clark MD, PhD., along with Andy's wife, Sara Morgan Clark. Fred's back straightened and chest puffed out when he heard the Star Spangled Banner and his eyes teared when he heard Amazing Grace. He wouldn't abide self important tight *censored*. Always an interested observer of politics, particularly what the process does to its participants, he was amused by politician's outrage when we lie to them and amazed at what the voters would tolerate. His final wishes were "throw the bums out and don't elect lawyers" (though it seems to make little difference). During his life he excelled at mediocrity. He loved to hear and tell jokes, especially short ones due to his limited attention span. He had a life long love affair with bacon, butter, cigars and bourbon. You always knew what Fred was thinking much to the dismay of his friend and family. His sons said of Fred, "he was often wrong, but never in doubt". When his family was asked what they remembered about Fred, they fondly recalled how Fred never peed in the shower - on purpose. He died at MCV Hospital and sadly was deprived of his final wish which was to be run over by a beer truck on the way to the liquor store to buy booze for a double date to include his wife, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter to crash an ACLU cocktail party. In lieu of flowers, Fred asks that you make a sizable purchase at your local ABC store or Virginia winery (please, nothing French - the *censored*) and get rip roaring drunk at home with someone you love or hope to make love to. Word of caution though, don't go out in public to drink because of the alcohol related laws our elected officials have passed due to their inexplicable terror at the sight of a MADD lobbyist and overwhelming compulsion to meddle in our lives. No funeral or service is planned. However, a party will be held to celebrate Fred's life. It will be held in Midlothian, Va. Email fredsmemory@yahoo.com for more information. Fred's ashes will be fired from his favorite cannon at a private party on the Great Wicomico River where he had a home for 25 years. Additionally, all of Fred's friend (sic) will be asked to gather in a phone booth, to be designated in the future, to have a drink and wonder, "Fred who?" Published in Richmond Times-Dispatch on July 9, 2006
  4. Yea, nothing is perfect. If your looking for parts listings try this link: http://www.kawasakipartshouse.com/?gclid=CNDc6Irlk5oCFRIeDQodFwxKNg Not the same as a service manual but it's better than nothing. Hope this helps.
  5. The tires on your car are flat... Your neighbors had to tell you about it.
  6. Is there anything beer can't do?
  7. From the same article: Taxes should go down in times of troubles for the people is the theory. Our govt is trying to raise taxes and has been ever since the recession started. I'm thinking it's a lot easier to do when everybody has a different rate of taxes. As a bonus you get to play the class envy card as well. A flat tax would make them (the govt) feel our (the people's) pain right away. The difference is that when they tried to raise taxes they would then piss everybody off at the same time. They might even get voted out of office for making bad decisions, imagine that....
  8. I think your right on the money here. Training works. Making school zones 100% gun free doesn't make them crime free. On the other hand it does guarantee that all the law abiding citizens will be un-able to fight back. As Recon pointed out, one size does not fit all. What would work in Nebraska might not in South Central LA. Basic hand to hand would be a good thing even for those that were not armed. Background checks are mandatory for teachers anyplace I have ever heard of so that wouldn't be such a big issue.
  9. Teachers I've talked to are liberals who don't believe in guns. Going with the "If you won't shoot don't carry" idea I'm thinking for most of them it would be dangerous. But on the other hand. Response time for 911 is measured in minutes while for CCW it's measured in fps. I think they should be allowed to carry if they wanted to. You just know that one of the teachers is an ex-marine, ex ranger etc.
  10. Just found this one. Interesting. My prediction is one way or another, a lot of lawyers will get rich in the next 25 years as this winds through court after court after court. http://hotair.com/archives/2011/01/22/idaho-6-other-states-to-nullify-obamacare/
  11. Makes you wonder if someday your digital photos will be "quaint" as in; "Look at that old skool motorcycle, it couldn't even hover!" Course I guess they won't be so odd as everything on the net lives forever.
  12. Real men loaded the OS from tape like it's supposed to be done. Remember running memmaker to squeeze a few extra k out of your machine? Feeling old enough yet? I know I am, found these within 5 feet of my pc
  13. Talk about a polarizing issue. I am guessing this will go along gender lines!
  14. Doesn't look good for the weather. I'm out, will be being a wuss and staying very local. Maybe next time.
  15. And bring me a beer and a sammich!
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