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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. Try looking in your front door lock....
  2. I have a motorola w385 phone I'm not using at the moment. If your interested shoot me a PM.
  3. Might get cold later but right now it's nice out
  4. :lol::lol: http://anotherealm.com/kz550/beer.wmv
  5. :lol: You funny! Those items no doubt have already been destroyed beyond any hope of repair. Legally too, as they were seized with a warrant. If not they need wiped and reformatted for possible planted trojans and the like. Not saying they have put anything there to try to frame you later like some other agencies have done, but could you ever trust the equipment again? After all they tried to put him away for 16 years for making them look bad.
  6. I'm thinking that the idea here is that the wiretap charge was thrown out, setting precedent to discourage other cops from hiding behind the wiretap law when they act in a questionable manner. I don't think the cop will be disciplined but in the future his acts would be cause for discipline. Hey, it's a start. I mean after all if they can film us...
  7. Wiretap Charges Tossed in Videotaping of Trooper http://www.myfoxdc.com/dpp/news/maryland/wiretap-charges-tossed-in-videotaping-of-trooper-092710 Updated: Tuesday, 28 Sep 2010, 8:12 AM EDT Published : Monday, 27 Sep 2010, 9:06 PM EDT By BEN NUCKOLS Associated Press Writer BALTIMORE - A judge threw out criminal charges Monday against a Maryland man who videotaped his traffic stop by a plainclothes state trooper and posted the video on YouTube. Anthony J. Graber III had been indicted under Maryland's wiretap law, which requires the consent of both parties to record a private conversation. His video shows the trooper pulling his gun and telling Graber to get off his motorcycle before he identifies himself as a police officer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK5bMSyJCsg&feature=related [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK5bMSyJCsg&feature=related][/ame] Harford County Circuit Judge Emory A. Plitt Jr. ruled that the wiretap law did not apply to a traffic stop because the conversation was not private. More at the link above!
  8. Surprised you could pry her hands off the bars. She seemed to like your bike.
  9. Bang that drum, lets see who shows. Bump for others to see.
  10. Hmm... The weather is supposed to be nice.
  11. Wildman? I'll tell you like I tell every Police officer, my bike can only go 85mph max. My 1980 speedo says so, it must be true. That's my story and I'm sticking to it, sir. Swinger is not allowed to comment on this FACT either, so there! With my 1980 front end geometry I can hardly be expected to keep up with you guys.
  12. Of course we missed you, but you can make up for it with some cool pics of other places!
  13. Don't let it get you down. Most of the comments are regarding squidlyness not the kind of bike being ridden. I should know, look what I scoot around on. All the comments about my bike being slow stopped when I got the ding-a-ling bell for the bike. I agree there will be some fine riding days left this season. Last year I rode into December and even once around the block in January. (For that first ride of the year feeling.)
  14. Pull the plugs, grey tips, all is well. Black tips means its running rich. cheap quick and easy way. Take it to a dyno shop and they can actually measure it for you.
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