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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. Greetings. There are some nice roads near there. Being as your getting into the mountains and all that.
  2. Looks like fun! Possibly $$$ fun, but fun none the less.
  3. School is taking up my time. I'm hoping to be edumacated so I got that going for me. :)

  4. If I had it all to do over again I think I would be a plumber or perhaps an electrician.
  5. Next try GEICO for your insurance. Save 15% in 15 minutes!
  6. Ask if a sworn deposition will do the job. This tactic is a favorite of defense attorneys because it works. No witness, no case. Problem is that being subpoenaed now puts you in trouble with the court if you don't show. That would be bad.
  7. Um, I think the balls from a pinball machine work rather well. I have watched somebody kick the side mirror off a car. Also saw a person stab out the headlights of a car at night with a WWII bayonet. Let them try to get home without being pulled over for DUI with no headlights.
  8. Plus my picks here: Sons of Anarchy Fringe Heroes Stargate Supernatural Ghost Whisperer Nip/Tuck Flash Forward V (We'll see if it lives up to the hype) Yes, have DVR, saved for rainy/snowy days
  9. Greetings. Nice looking bike. Sadly bikes don't look so good with snow on them. Ah to ride all year, not practical in Ohio, snow belt and all that.
  10. I'm going to guess that it has something to do with the two other suspects and the reports of more than one shooter. Conspiracy gets the FBI into it. ATF is in if it wasn't a standard GI issue weapon. The locals and SWAT must just have little else to do. SWAT does seem kinda silly with real MP's around. More than one shooter, dare I say sleeper cell? I'm sure there will be either lots of news about this or it will be a secure issue. Of course the politicians will go nuts over it. 3, 2, 1, cue the talking heads ....Politicaluzzi! Sad, prayers for the soldiers and the families. Eyewitness report: Milly Land, who works at the base fitness center, said she was headed for the graduation ceremony at 2 p.m. at the Howze Theater when the campus was locked down. She went back to the fitness center. She said she spoke by phone with friends at the soldier processing center, who said a gunman walked in about 1:30, walked to the medical area of the processing center, and started shooting. A second gunman was shooting at the theater next door, she said. White House quote of the day: A senior Obama administration official told NBC News that the shootings could have been a criminal matter rather than a terrorism-related attack and that there was no intelligence to suggest a plot against Fort Hood. Nothing to see here, move along, move along.... Pardon me while I put on my tinfoil hat.
  11. I didn't see a single wrench anywhere.
  12. Why not open your own account? Getting the gf involved might not be such a good idea. For one thing the IRS might consider it a gift and ask her to pay tax on it. Her statement that she was just holding the money for you prolly wouldn't fly with them. For another thing she might stop being your gf and leave with the $$. Besides that, wouldn't it be nice to accept VISA, MasterCard and the rest yourself? Have a garage sale and accept VISA! I can't see any legal issue with this plan of giving yourself money from one account and moving it to another account.
  13. Set up a paypal site for yourself. Make a donation to yourself as a cash transaction. (regular interest) Transfer the cash to your checking account. Use ATM card to get your cash. Ride!
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VH34xzIdY58 A little extreme for Ohio weather...
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