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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. :)

    Somehow I knew you would be out there on it.

    Bet you got some strange looks from people!

  2. Corrected. What I was getting at was that the install disc supplied by DELL checked the BIOS to make sure it was a DELL machine of the correct model for that disc before it would install. This check would then match the OEM serial number to the model number and auto install the same number as on the sticker on the side of the case. Of course, this was back in the day...
  3. Coffee for a dollar! What a deal! Even so, if you are going to do certs you have to start someplace. There are still a lot of people out there that think they know about computers because they have their own facebook page.
  4. Don't we all!

    Now if I could only get paid to drink beer and tell lies about women... :D

    Yea, I'm still buyin' lottery tickets...

  5. Um, isn't the DELL OEM info stored in BIOS? So that a new hard drive should be recognized as an OK option as long as it's set to boot from the CD. Seems to me that was the way I did it on a bunch of old Dells. Wipe the old drive, reboot F12 choose CD, create partition, format and let it go. It would auto install the Win Serial number and everything as long as it was the correct Dell disc for that model. (Insperion etc.) Just a thought...
  6. Common ports BIOS options OS to minimum hardware specs Some cmd line apps Install options for OS's Basic terminology Not that tough of a test if you have any experience at all. Read the questions carefully, there are tricky questions. If you have a degree you shouldn't have much trouble with this one. Wost thing to do is freak out over it and psych yourself out into fail mode Relax, go slow and win!
  7. Sometimes cash is king.

    They say you should do what you love and be happy forever.

    To bad it doesn't pay enough to survive on.

    Plan "B", get real job.


  8. The cold isn't the worst it's the snow and ice. I got to thinking of your new tires on the scooter and wondered if you have been out in the snow with it?

  9. [cough] http://www.torrentz.com/search?q=xp+pro [cough]
  10. School. All to soon that will be over and I'll be out there looking too.

    It doesn't look so great out there in the job market these days.

    Best of luck to you in your search!

  11. Winter takes so long to be over with. Went out and started mine yesterday.

    I think it missed me. :)

  12. Hey you! How you doing?

    Good holiday?

    Still parking your bike inside your living room?

  13. touching base. How you doing?

  14. But if you rub the pussy enough you can wear it out in about 20 minutes. Just sayin'
  15. Strictly Street


    When I hit the lottery.....
  16. My vote is for a get together this winter. I have sooo liked the ones we did in the summer! You all are such great people, I have enjoyed meeting all of you. As to location, activities and the like.... Moose at the KoC works for some but not all of us. [distance] On the other hand, what stops us from having many winter meets? Eh? With that said, I propose a meet in the Sawmill rd area. A few of us live nearby and we should meet. By the way, I have really cool bowling shoes! OR RULES!!
  17. The looks you get at traffic lights are priceless.
  18. Anybody tried those neoprene face masks?
  19. What do you use when it gets a little chilly out there?
  20. Thanks for the laugh! This should be a Monty Python skit. Sir Bedevere: What makes you think he's wearing leather? Peasant 3: Well, he taped me to a tree! Sir Bedevere: A tree? Peasant 3: [meekly after a long pause] ... I got better. Crowd: [shouts] Burn them anyway!
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