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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. The political agenda was there. USA bad, world peace good. No plan to get there, just bitching about it. Even so, it cracks me up to see a movie with that political bent being made in the same place that they are tearing down. Like they could make it anywhere else? But back to the 3D effects, awesome!!!
  2. The effects were just awesome in 3D and no red and blue glasses! Some technical errors, the science was a little thin. Set in 2154 it did have that "dances with wolves set in 2118" feeling. It also took a swipe at the "Military Industrial Complex" as well as "Evil Capitalists". But it wasn't so blatantly obvious that it ruined the movie. But enough of that, back to the 3D effects.... Freakin Awesome! Totally covered up the thin plot line and kept me from questioning anything until after I got out of the theater.
  3. Don't know yet, holiday schedule is still up in the air. It's on my calender as an event to attend if I can! :)

  4. REP for you sir!! Er, wait a sec...... OK, a smiley then..... :lol:
  5. 500. If you read all of these you have way to much time on your hands.
  6. I just might. The place I used last winter fell through a week or so ago for this winter. I haven't given it a lot of thought as to what to do next, yet. Thanks for the kind offer and I'll let you know. :)

  7. This has been a test to see how winter effects riders. Had this been a real snowfall you would have been instructed on how to put skis on your bike. Anybody bored? Must be winter with snow on the ground. Sigh...
  8. I just wait for it to melt.....
  9. He should get an old tz 750 and use that motor.
  10. Thanks for all the help guys! Right now I have a few options that I didn't think I had. I have a couple of mechanic options and a couple of new-to-me car options from this thread! OR Rocks! Thanks again! PS For inquiring minds, problem is a GM 3.1 head gasket/intake gasket putting water in the oil. That and no freaking heater! Dealer wanted $1500 to fix it. (More than I paid for the car.)
  11. Anybody out there got a cheap winter rat/beater? Looking to stay under $1500. Must have a good heater!! My car is getting ready to give it up. ( Will cost more to fix than replace.)
  12. Yep, nice out today! Need better gloves.
  13. I'm staring out the window at my bike under wraps. I'm looking for a buzz like I got on a nice summer ride. Maybe, if I drink the gas out of the tank it will give me that buzz. Yummm... octane. Or maybe a nice White Russian. snow sux
  14. Six string Samurai Awesome sound track!
  15. - The Princess Bride Perfect for visiting short people over the holidays. The one liners will leave adults howling! - A Christmas Story The classic "Double Dog Dare". - Brazil Classic sci-fi of the Orwellian style. De Niro stars in this classic film - Naked Lunch Only for the truly twisted minds. Bug powder - Yum!
  16. Bad grease in starter solenoid. (Or bad gear in the same place) Tear it down and do a re-build this winter. Check the brushes and the bearing grease. Adjust as needed. Ride like the wind in the spring!
  17. Prayers in Jesus name for you have been sent. That is all.
  18. Makes me happy I ain't Crazy biatches make me want to ride far away. Sadly, this is winter, so Fla is an option. Far away and good to ride! sand sux.
  19. In Pennsylvania - yes. I knew someone it happened to. Also on a bicycle, horse or anything other than your own two feet. Even in a van that is up on blocks, without any wheels on it or a license plate on it.
  20. Free .pdf motorcycle manuals http://www.carlsalter.com/motorcycle-manuals.asp Some more manuals: http://mybikemanuals.com/
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