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Strictly Street

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Everything posted by Strictly Street

  1. It's nice out there! Just got back from a little ride, no troubles. Saw a bunch of other bikes out there as well. Ok, only one Harley, but no matter. Who else is going tonite? Scooter squadron? Anybody else?
  2. Which means, what? Am I looking for a vacuum leak? Or is this two separate problems?
  3. The check engine light has been on forever. Bought the car that way. Seemed to run ok so I didn't give it much thought. The guy I bought it from said he had changed out the motor. I just figured that he left a wire off or something. Idiot lights don't tell you much except that the bulb works. The only thing I ever noticed was that if I ran to the local store (1/2 mile if that) shut it off and then started it, the idle would go up and down for a minute or so and the car would stall if you put it in gear. If I waited till the idle smoothed out everything was fine. Being a used POS beater I never worried about it much this summer as I was riding the whole time. It drove ok on those few rainy days when I had to go somewhere. Now though as winter is just around the corner it is starting to be a little more important. Johnstown looks to be about a 1/2 hour from me, the car would probably make it so that is an option too.
  4. Part of the problem is the definition of 'front'. The engine is mounted sideways being a front wheel drive. So, front of motor becomes an exercise in semantics. When sitting in the car the harmonic balancer is on the passengers side. So the 'front ' of the motor is really on the right side of the car. Er, maybe.
  5. Wow! There is a lot more to it than I thought. Two of them, figures. Ok, car starts but when driving it will seem to stall for a second then keeps on running. On the highway it feels like it is shifting back and forth between drive and overdrive. Which lead me to believe that the ECM was going bad. (Happened on another GM that I owned, had to replace that one every year. Also had to replace the cam$haft $ensor magnet on the cam$haft it$elf on that one) But then I noticed it doing it on surface streets and realized that the motor was acting like it was loosing ignition or fuel for a moment then recovering. So I took it in and had the codes run on it. Code was P0336. Which the nice man at the store told me was a crankshaft position sensor. He also advised me that it was the only error code being shown. Temp of motor, time that it has been running, outside temp does not seem to be a factor. So the next question would seem to be, Does the code tell us which sensor of the two is bad?
  6. My car is running funny so I took it to Advance auto and had them read the computer codes. It says I have a bad crankshaft position sensor, $30.00. But there are two possible styles so the guy says I should get under the car and look to see which one it is, ok, no problem. He says it is right by the harmonic balancer. Now here is the problem, I can't see it. Tried to look it up on the net. What a confusing mess of conflicting information. Useless. Does anybody know where the sensor is? 1996 Chevy Lumina 3.1 motor.
  7. Is this the bridge from "Back to the Future"?
  8. (How did the test go?)

    873 out of 1000, passed! :)

  9. Threadjack! U.S. Northeast May Have Coldest Winter in a Decade. Sept. 28 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. Northeast may have the coldest winter in a decade because of a weak El Nino, a warming current in the Pacific Ocean, according to Matt Rogers, a forecaster at Commodity Weather Group. “Weak El Ninos are notorious for cold and snowy weather on the Eastern seaboard,” Rogers said in a Bloomberg Television interview from Washington. “About 70 percent to 75 percent of the time a weak El Nino will deliver the goods in terms of above-normal heating demand and cold weather. It’s pretty good odds. More here: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=amm7GJfWypJE
  10. Greetings. 1982 eh. Looks like a trend in older bikes on the board has started.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSgiXGELjbc
  12. Turned out to be a nice day after all. A little windy but not bad. I didn't bring a camera but others did. There might be some pics up later.
  13. Can't miss the last couple of the season.
  14. Watching to see what is going to happen... Ain't looking good. but I'm taking a positive outlook on it all. It will clear up at some point in time, when is the question.
  15. Journalism at it's finest. Yet the newspapers wonder at their dwindling readership....
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