I'll be the first to admit it. I look like a douche bag Blue Power Ranger when I'm on a ride. I ride frequently with the Red Power Ranger. This weekend we did ride the 536, the 555, the 236- you name it. Of four people, two went down. Not because they were bad, mind you- one had new tyres, and found the cow fence on the second turn when the back end spun up on him. But both riders, they got up and walked away. I've crashed before, and had the doctors cut loose skin off me. Now it's going to be leather. My Harley mechanic brother said it best. I took him out on the 715 and 60 two years ago, and the following week the Fat Boy stayed home, and a new 955 Daytona was out. I bought him a helmet, gloves, and an Alpinestars jacket- and sure enough it went down. His response when getting up from a 70mph slide- "Is that all?" And something to remember, a lot of those roads are people's front yards. Kids live there. Blind turns + residences= stoopid. Away from that, and it's time to play.