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Everything posted by RFM

  1. I've made my share of Double Yellow passes. I will continue to do so. Just think. If you can't see far enough ahead, hold back until you can. Especially when a passenger is on board. Roads can be fun, but they're not a safe playground.
  2. The Aprilia and I should be showing up in the afternoon.
  3. Any word on the bike?

  4. Another open offer of assistance in the Columbus area. Good luck mate!
  5. RFM


    Mivv doesn't make one for the Falco. I had a Tig on the RSVR, and it was 10 times louder than my Akrapovic system. Front straight at Mid Ohio on track day drowned out everything else. The new bike is so tame now...
  6. RFM


    Every morning now I walk my daughter to her bus stop in Grandview, and at about 6:50am every morning a beautiful sounding RC51 heads down 5th, with the exhaust note audible for blocks. Nice!!! In the process of ordering a new set of pipes for my bike. If you're on here, what kind are those? Doing the shopping before committing. Cheers!
  7. Not tonight. Working on the bike, so it's good to go, but I said yes to going to a bday party with the gf. What's the saying? Two hooters in hand are better than two that bring wings and beer. Wait. That can't be right?
  8. Hope my girlfriend is happy with one...
  9. 1. I want to win a track day with NESBA. 2. Not a Member. 3. N/A, but Intermediate with STT 4. Any Date. Cheers, and good luck to all!
  10. Don't think this year. Like to, but got Victoria fulltime now. I can sneak off every now and then, but I can't sneak off and blow through $500 though.

  11. Farts aren't supposed to be lumpy.
  12. Barney Frank was being generous...
  13. His insurance, backed into me and took responsibility. My premium won't change. :)

  14. All done. Had the Helibars powdercoated to look all pretty. Should be better for further rides now. Now just debating Liberty Mutual for bodywork damage.

  15. No ball to ball contact. Might work?
  16. Working on the Falco tomorrow morning, with the bars being replaced with Helibars. Settlement should be done soon too.

  17. And I do ride out there too- and my thread had two out of four people going down. Full gear, away from everybody and their homes. There are many roads out that way that are perfect for that. When it is somebody's front yard though- we owe it to everyone to be responsible. Away from everything, I have been known to hit speeds that are straight to jail no discussion, wear the edges of the tyres right down stupid. When you are in a populated area, back the f#ck down. If you don't, you are a danger to everyone. And a jackass. Hitting a retired gardener...
  18. Idiots should not be doing that crap. He is a full fledged idiot, as I would call anybody whose negligence affects others. His accident is going to have reverberations on anyone else who rides there. Will the sheriff be more prone to bust down now that an old woman gardening has been hit? If you want to see how fast you can go, put a radar detector on your bike and see what you can do on I-70. You can outrun the helicopters. If you can't handle the curves, stay off them.
  19. That is what I was thinking while going through the thread. Anybody in banking? As in setting up a small account for her from OR's. I know I'm not rich, but would make it happen.
  20. First thing I got after getting married were calls from creditors. Two way street there, Princess. Ugh....
  21. RFM

    Times a changin'

    Dangerous stuff to have the President's speech go out unchecked by the Milwaukee Local PTA. I went to a speech the Queen of England made years ago, and even met the Grand Duke of Luxembourg while going to school there. I'm surprised I didn't become a full fledged Monarchist because of this early exposure...
  22. Dropped the clip-ons off on Friday, and they are done. Will pick up on friday and post the work.
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