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Everything posted by RFM

  1. No mention of sammiches though.
  2. Cunt of a man shooter. I won't speculate if it's politically motivated until more information comes out, but I will say that only a half witted and morally deranged coward could do such a thing. Same thing goes for those that espouse this type of language. That is where I'll let this be read as somewhat political.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqXi8WmQ_WM&NR=1 Chicks dig this.
  4. There's a lot of people going to hell here.
  5. Welcome! I took the other route, starting with a Harley, but decided it couldn't match my adrenaline requirements. I'm much better now, thank you! I did notice a grey hair in the beard today though, and I'm right pissed.
  6. Another vote for the how many chances does this guy need category. Though I'm very liberal by nature, this guy has created his own downfall, while there are many who, by one reason or another, haven't had the chance to stand. I know a well educated single parent working at Red Lobster, just to make it without a "real" job. Maybe she should get hooked on crack, get arrested a dozen times, not take a shower for a month, then hold up a sign saying she wants to use her God given talents as an author. Hell, maybe I should do something like that, because I'm so underemployed right now I want to punch a clown. Fuck.
  7. Quick! Give your balls away, because you won't need them for 19 years... Congrats-
  8. osnap. Neg rep for you.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4opLEikXT5M&feature=player_embedded
  10. Darwin's theories at work in every day life...
  11. RFM

    New Bike Thoughts

    1000cc twins. $23 a month full coverage for me. My cruiser Triumph was higher to insure even.
  12. Damn sportbike riding hoodlums who use the Gap as their playtoy!
  13. Polar Bear Run, or The Wet Pants Sprint? Anyone going?
  14. Is there still a Polar Bear Pin ivolved for getting out on a good day tomorrow?
  15. The parties should have a sybiotic relationship then. The party of criminals Needs the party of lawyers, and vice versa.
  16. I like to be able to fart louder than my motorcycle. I want my woman to know when she's been tagged.
  17. There are more humane ways to shoot a wife too... http://amog.com/offbeat/man-shoots-wife/
  18. We like the bikes, the bikes that go boom.
  19. RFM


    Uh.... Hi....
  20. Normal role playing that just went wrong. Adult diapers are fun too.
  21. Seriously... Just how expensive is an exhaust for a EX250? I've got to assume this guys time is worth nothing, with all the effort he put up.
  22. The "Please don't openly state what we say about others behind their backs and make us look petty, impotent, or duplicitous" Law.
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