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Everything posted by RFM

  1. I'm happy that the Bell has the Crunchy Potato Soft Taco on the $.89 menu. I can get my vegetarian daughter to eat those, and I can get the Meal Deal #3 plus a 5 Layer Burrito- and leave with a bill of $7.00. Daddy's happy....
  2. Chins are good too, but usually it moves too quickly.
  3. I did the same thing. My poor tires are all blue on the edges now.... I need to get some life back in them.
  4. I should have known... My girlfriend's mother sent it to me.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1C-Bxifv2Pk Who wants a sandwich?
  6. Hebby derst darrison! http://www.thealmightyben.com/?p=666
  7. My brother had a Land Rover Defender 90, and bet a guy $100 that his Defender could go more places than the Humvee the other guy had. Bet made, and they set a time to meet up and go offroading. The first stop was to an old Bank One bank machine drive through. The Humvee didn't fit...
  8. Dude!! You're compensating a lot with Both a S1000R and a .45!!! Most men just need one or the other!
  9. Now if only you knew somebody who could do decent dyno work tuning that kit.
  10. Sorry Dan and Family. Life isn't lost when the memories live on. Sorry....
  11. And MSNBC got the information from Leon Panetta's testimony to The House Intelligence Committee... We all know the assclownery of those sources though....
  12. A friend put it out in a funny way. Mubarek is the Jay Leno of Dictators.
  13. RFM


    From the album: Interwebz Stuff

  14. Not technically a song, but well worth the listen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CX4cGhQW5Ec
  15. Seems like poetic justice, really. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/bizarre/7417791.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+houstonchronicle%2Ftopheadlines+%28chron.com+-+Top+Stories%29&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher
  16. You're evil, good sir! Nothing like a bit of in your face, beotch...
  17. I've given out too much rep the last 24 hours. I'm tired of hearing that ding!!!
  18. Repost of a repost, and then again. Down to the Reposters Dungeon for you!!!
  19. How many Mexicans will these hold?
  20. RFM


    All these years I've been doing doggie style wrong...
  21. RFM

    New Here

    Pants>Ninjas. Hi!
  22. RFM


    I don't remember any homoerotic themes in that movie?
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