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Everything posted by RFM

  1. RFM

    Christmas Party

    Thanks again from myself as well. I had to get home to my daughter, but I guess next time it's fine to bring her, seeing that there was younger than her there. The ham was great, the pasta salad rocked, and Detty didn't mess the Brownies up too horribly. Wish I could have stayed a bit longer, but had a great time with the time I could. Cheers Moose, and everybody else.
  2. RFM


    From the album: Interwebz Stuff

  3. Shoot em up at 30,000 in a pressurized cabin! A terrorist won't have to do anything other than stand up and yell "Allah Akbar" and a gaggle of gap toothed hilljacks with .44's will bring down the plane on their own. Sweet.
  4. Point taken. Apologies, and an admission of asshole status.
  5. Get a job at an Applebee's. Those hostesses are easy to pick up, and do some crazy shit...
  6. You some sort of Pinko Socialist now?
  7. Never. Shouldn't have to deal with the bullocks insurance really.
  8. That Mound in the picture is a five minute ride for me, between Grandview and Hilliard.
  9. Dammit! I'd rep Cheech if I could.
  10. Is this a trick question- asking who is an idiot on OR? Hmmm....
  11. Don't see too many Roof helmets here. Loved using a bit of coloured tape on them, and have a friend riding around with the word Poof on their head.
  12. I'll watch on an episode where she falls into a cement tumbler. Other than that, meh...
  13. So... The money that we have borrowed from China to spend ourselves back into prosperity has made it's way back to China, with us paying for it for years to come... What's new?
  14. It took me 6 minutes to find the character I wanted online, after a bit of searching through some crappy things the browser pulled up. That's six minutes my daughter was spared from my vicious beatings, so it has worked in my case specifically.
  15. I buy myself new underwear. That makes me very happy.
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