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Everything posted by RFM

  1. RFM

    Thank you Brian!!!

    Awww... Look at teh little pokey thing. But that's sure a speedy bike though...
  2. Pure awesome. http://www.wishtv.com/dpp/news/crime/two-arrested-in-drunken%2C-naked-fiasco-near-iu-campus-
  3. For some reason, I can only do that with Guinness, or a Bulmer's for that matter. By the time most people realize they don't like the taste, I've got two pints gone.
  4. I want to be woodchippered at a GWAR show.
  5. http://derp.blogs.exetel.com.au/uploads/derppics/DerpTVguycopy.jpg
  6. No offense really. Us liberals are quite like many of the conservatives out there. Only a higher education seperates us....
  7. Niiice. I saw Cptn. D-Bag.... Around 8pm if memory serves. And yes, wet and blacktop.
  8. That's gotta be the Fail!
  9. Noooooo!!!! Never make the same mistake twice!
  10. It's no problem taking the road bike onto the track. Just swap out the coolant, and you can take it in the N or I class. The N class, you really have to be numb to wreck, because you're on a slow pace, following an established line. The I class is a bit sketchier, because any idiot can claim to be I, but there are fast people in there too. Ride to your abilities, and you don't need a bike collection to have a fast and aggressive day out on the track.
  11. Parted out my Aprilia when the motor seized after dumping all the oil into the bellypan. (My own fault- sheared the oil filter cover bolt overtightening it. I haz a dum...) So far I have made about $4,200 out of a non working bike. I still have the frame with title too..
  12. That's my playground. Go around that, 270e to 23n, 23n to 270w, and around to 270w to 315s.
  13. It's just wrong to bugger a dog, even though they may be man's best friend. Sheep just ask for it though.
  14. There are plans for a new one in the Goodale area in Grandview I believe. There might be new condos or something ike that where it once stood. The Cafe has been out of that location for the better part of a half year, and already had an auction there for the memorabilia.
  15. Wonder if they ever catch the guy who snuck that one in. And what would he be charged with?
  16. RFM

    Q-s-l 4-28-10

    Holy Waste of Time! I rolled in around 8:30pm, and didn't recognize a soul. I parked the Aprilia and walked to look at the bikes... On walking up to the bar, the DJ was playing the Cha Cha Shuffle, and some fat slags were line dancing. If you were there, my fingers are crossed that you were actually behind a big girl, because if not, I've got news for you.... Couldn't leave fast enough.
  17. RFM

    Q-s-l 4-28-10

    Work until 8, but might head up on the bike afterwards.
  18. RFM


    From the album: Interwebz Stuff

  19. I ceramic coated the headers on my current bike, and took the RSVR completely down to sell in parts. Played with the motor a bit, and made a sport tourer snarl... :)

  20. RFM

    Brembo Brakes

    These are non-radial two piston front Brembo Brakes from an Aprilia RSVR, and a single piston pot for the rear. Looking for $150 each front, and $100 for the rear. Great condition, with gold finish. Chicks dig that.
  21. Fuck. In Alabama they should learn English. Or at least a close proximaty. I went to school in Luxembourg, where there are four languages actively taught and used. World's bigger than Alabama, and the days of the US as the Sole superpower are done. Should learn Mandarin Chinese too, if we're smart.
  22. This bike has probably got a better chance at getting back together....
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