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Everything posted by BMMW

  1. Trade feeler ... I'm looking for a second gen SV650.
  2. Nothing suprises me anymore. My door has a note on it ... "If your'e comin' a knockin', you better have your tactical gear on"
  3. Somehow, while still looking awesome, the car and the bike look fake. Kind of like there are plastic models sitting in the front yard. I attribute it to an awesome camera doing its work.
  4. Yep, I checked/ordered stuff. Good savings there!
  5. Vans are dangerous. I've been pushed right by a windowless van while downtown. This thing comes over in my lane and bumps my elbow. I don't think he knew he did that. Luckily I had room and just moved over. Never expected that.
  6. Can we start running over perps with steamrollers? They won't do bad things anymore.
  7. Are there gaskets or rubber under the stock parts?I've got the block offs, but haven't dug into doing this yet.
  8. LOL, I'm guilty for wanting to know the elusive "LBTS" haha
  9. We actually got downtown this trip. The monument on the circle is massive. Didn't realize just how big it really was. We had the pleasure of having a beer with Rossi's mechanic, Alex Briggs, at the micro brewery. Awesome guy! & Thanks Kevin!
  10. Sure ... if your not "the little guy". He's real busy. Good guy ... but good luck.
  11. Riding out Thurs night, with the Gixxer, from Cleveland. See you all there!
  12. Friday, "buy my bike for the weekend", bump ...
  13. I've seen this Triumph in person ... looks brand new! And ... "dude, just rob a bank or something. Don't sell the scooter" LOL
  14. Myself, Johnnyboy and CaptainKeyes are leaving from Cleve on Thursday night. Staying in Greenfield, just outside of Indy. This will be our third visit.
  15. Myself, Johnnyboy and CaptainKeyes are leaving from Cleve on Thursday night. Staying in Greenfield, just outside of Indy. This will be our third year riding there.
  16. My silver R6's gonna visit Brecksville Metropark tonight...
  17. 95% of all Harley Davidson motorcycles are still on the road today ... ... 5% of them actually made it home!
  18. Hey man, You gotta come over and get them ...

  19. They should "die in a fire", LOL
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