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Everything posted by BMMW

  1. Anyone interested trading a supermoto of equal value?
  2. Sunday solo for me ... Mayfield to Nelson's Ledges, Punderson State park, Ladue reservoir, through Chagrin Falls, north to Kirtland and back home. I saw a pair of new Gixxers near Garretsville.
  3. Interest? Sure ... I'd bite, but do have to finish selling my 750 first.
  4. Lots of Q's about this bike and based upon what's out there and what's selling, I'm lowering this to $4750 ...
  5. BMMW

    2010 r1

    I heard my first one at Indy last year. I was impressed. But when I saw/heard one on the street, with the Akra's, such a great sound.
  6. I'm gettin' me sets. I'm tired of paying the Stealership for the "latest and greatest" The only thing I'm wearing out is the center tread anyhow.
  7. I know ... it's weird. Maby it's too clean. It runs as good as it looks. It's only seven years old, LOL I'd take a resaonable offer for it.
  8. BMMW

    yesterdays ride

    That's interesting ... cuz I went frome Cleveland to Charleston and back ... Friday through Sunday ... and my username's BMMW! Your weird!
  9. EXUP, LOL haha ... anyhow, mine's disconnected based upon my own thorough observations. The EXUP doesn't open or modulate in neutral The EXUP operates under load The EXUP's 100% open before 4,000 rpm's If your expecting power, from a 600, as low as that, then you are a crackhead!
  10. No, I'm leaving the windscreen with the bodywork. You may be able to get one cheap from this guy ... http://forums.13x.com/showthread.php?t=260805&highlight=hotbodies
  11. 2002 GSX-R750 crankshaft just serviced by Falicon. Approved for use by Doug at MPH in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Paperwork available. Magnaflux check $85 Welding and grinding journal $278 Micro polish $59 Selling for $322 shipped Also, this is my extra motor with the following parts available: Valve Cover Cylinder head/cams/cam caps Throttle bodies (includes stepper motor) Cylinder block (upper) Cylinder block (mid) Trans piece (lower) I'd bet there's someone out there who can use these extra bits
  12. This is a new set of Hotbodies bodywork for an 08-09-10 Yamaha R6. Superbike tail and windscreen included. http://www.hotbodiesracing.com/en/pr...2008-10_yzf-r6 They have been mounted up and drilled with dzus fasteners installed. I took the time to line everything up. Trimming and straightening occured where required. Lower is trimmed to utilize stock exhaust. I am unable to get to the track and am selling this set. $350 plus shipping cost, as calculated by www.ups.com, from Cleve, Ohio. Bodywork will be shipped in original 42"x22"x22" box Thanks in advance
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