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Everything posted by Cypress

  1. I guess it all really depends on how drunk you wanna be before the end of the night.
  2. I've never done one before. How long do they usually go on for? How frequent are the stops?
  3. From what it sounds like some people are gonna be gettin' taxis.
  4. Get on Hulu and watch the first season. You won't be let down.
  5. I'm in. My only problem is that I don't own a weapon yet.
  6. I don't know how you know that nor do I need to know, but sometimes your knowledge scares me.
  7. Cypress


    Aren't they suppose to be in their own thread? Get back in your hole, nerds!
  8. I didn't even get to use all of my ticket. Out of 25 tickets I used maybe 6 and I believe I got away with about 4 freebies. A lot of the venders weren't even taking the tickets.
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