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Everything posted by Cypress

  1. Even in the mist of "massive construction" she still knows her role. Now that's dedication to her duties.
  2. Cypress

    are you back?

    See there guys? It's not even her fault. It's in her DNA. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=70149
  3. I got better things to do than sit around and wait for some high maintenance chick to take her sweet ass time gettin' ready...and no, it's not worth it. There are other chicks that can get ready a whole lot faster. I agree with you 100%.
  4. That was funny as hell. You tricked me good.
  5. Cypress

    are you back?

    I didn't think she was that bad...but of course I didn't know her like some of you did. Like I've said before, it's always funny when it's someone else. I'm not one to talk, but...
  6. Another year older...another year wiser!
  7. Well, most things are talked about and shown in movies long before they are in reality. Take the StarTrek phasers for example. Next stop...transporters. Just make sure there's no flies in the transporter pod with you. Bad things may happen.
  8. I really don't think you can go wrong here. I'd assume everyone wants deals on...everything. Do it up. Make us proud.
  9. I read about this years ago while in the Navy. I wasn't allowed to talk about it then. It was completely hush hush. It's good to see that it's finally getting more public.
  10. That sounds like a killer deal. I'd have to make that challenge too if it was only $5.
  11. When they're about $3.50 each, and you can get buzzed off one, tipsy off two, and drunk off three...Fourlokos wins. Now if we're talking quality I don't have enough beer experience to know, but I'd have to agree with KruelHouse on the Delirium. It's as smooth as a Bud Light, but at 8.5% a bottle...winnar.
  12. Cypress

    COD Black Ops

    I've owed them both. I'm a loyal PS fan, but Xbox is winning me over.
  13. Cypress

    COD Black Ops

    Nah, Xbox Live is where it's at.
  14. Stop child abuse? How else are we suppose to buy a cheap pair of Nikes?
  15. Sorry, bro. I have no desire to lower my bike. Craigslist?
  16. Cypress


    You aren't the only one. I have no motivation to workout during the cold weather season.
  17. I'll provide the Redbull.
  18. Cypress

    Get Drunk HERE!

    LoL. Fe-fail. I'll be stealin' that.
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