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Everything posted by dmagicglock

  1. them spiders will be frozen like a deer in headlights
  2. a lil' known fact... epinephrine is the same thing as adrenaline... the brits refer to epinephrine and norepinephrine as adrenaline and noradrenaline because its produced by the adrenal gland.
  3. lol two epi pens!? thats ridiculous, well now you know what it would be like to do cocaine haha
  4. nothing like a little necrotizing fasciitis to get your day off to a good start
  5. thats purdy aggressive pricing if you got that kinda bank to spend on a bike! Maybe I was confusing it with the ktms?
  6. 14,500 is totally worth it if you got the bank, those LE's hold their value better than any other bike I've seen. If you can find some of the 50th anniversary LE R1's they still go for new or over new value. *edit Nevermind... its just FIAT graphics and a Rossi signature. I thought it was like the old LE's and had upgraded Ohlins suspsension, etc...
  7. that is hilarious!! you have a well rounded knowledge of the ninja turtles too, i don't know if that's sweet drizzled in awesome sauce or weird... we'll go with the first one!
  8. i love the honda fury in blue this year, meow! Not much for cruisers but that bike is hawt. As for the cbr's... man they are sweet but with abs, and electronic steering dampners... they gotta be pricey even for honda. Does anyone on here have a sv650 with abs or any of the suzukis? How does it effect your stopping if you slam on the brakes? I'm sure it would help the noob from laying it down but I wonder if the stopping distance is longer?
  9. ninja turtle!? any pics from that halloween? I totally went as a ninja turtle in 2nd grade, it was friggin' awesome.
  10. i wish the headlights were symmetrical but then it wouldn't be a bmw, right? Arent these suppose to go for like 25k?
  11. http://www.surefire.com/X300-LED-WeaponLight i have one of these for my glock, its only 110 lumens... and it will blind you I can't imagine 700 friggin eh
  12. what was that nick? you had so many rep stars I had to scroll to the right on my computer screen and didn't get it all... jk edit* there fixed it
  13. dmagicglock


    i never realized you were hot, now all those leg humping comments make even more sense!
  14. I don't think thats spiders... thats a herpes outbreak haha jk actually it sounds like you got Trombiculidae aka "Chiggers".... They itch like hell, can even leave bruises and take like a week or two to go away... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trombiculidae
  15. who stretches their own canvass anymore? jk, leonardo is turning over in his grave with jealousy
  16. we always called them Duffs... every hot chick has one to feel better about herself. Designated Ugly Fat Friend.
  17. if a guy on a harley says its a stiff ride, then its gotta be pretty bad.... lol jk
  18. does it matter? fat girls put out someone should goes a harpoon then!
  19. I have a 7 month old daughter... she is my life (and I'm not complaining!) but going bowling tonight was like the first time I've been out on a friday in... 7 months!
  20. rio de Janeiro is one of the most dangerous cities in the world, makes chicago look like Dublin. That being said, I didn't want more tax payer dollars to go fund the olympics that I couldn't give a shit about... It costs billions of dollars to prepare a city to host them and I'm not sure if they get that money back? I know I hate on Obama a lot in here, but I really think it was a bad move to spend more time meeting with the IOC than he did meeting with the commander of the war in Afghanistan...
  21. I hate "laugh tracks"... if there's a t.v. show with them built into the audio I can't watch it without wanting to vomit, I immediately have to change the channel... so annoying
  22. all the mcdonalds signs right now say "try our new angus burger" and I want to change it to say "try our new anus rub"
  23. Recon, I love you man but coming home early to watch the premier of Stargate Universe isn't helping your case
  24. thats funny... I work in the distributor business and most of the business owners i work with are pakistani or indian... no joke like 95% of all gas stations/convenience stores in Ohio are owned by them. And most of them are all related, whether it be cousins, brothers, etc... its crazy, they all know each other. Unless its a speedway, you can assume its owned by an Indian guy. I don't get it either... such a weird niche market for them to get into... its funny because many of them have master's degrees in engineering or CS and end up working at their cousins gas station or owning their own convenience store. I dunno, maybe if there's anyone on board with pakistani or indian heritage they can chime in and explain.
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