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Everything posted by dmagicglock

  1. considering they don't get paid enough as it is, i'd be okay if my tax dollars were spent on servicemen and women versus being wasted on so much other junk.
  2. dmagicglock

    2010 vfr

    I suppose once you own one for a few years, i guess you get tired of riding it too?
  3. Well I would say you started the analogy right but the delivery was wrong. It's like eating unhealthy for 8 years and realzing you need a triple bypass and instead eating a fried donut burger every day for 9 months followed up by a 3 day pancake bender at Ihop and a night cap for fourth meal at TacoBell and convincing yourself that the self induced colitis will flush out all the "bad stuff" from your system.
  4. dmagicglock

    2010 vfr

    When I showed my r6 to the guy thats buying it, he had his friend come by on his ducati 1198 to peep it out. After looking at his ducati, I can assure you it doesn't lack in quality... Now if I can just line that up as my next bike in a few years
  5. you mean his typical white grandmother? who was scared of the black man? I'm pretty sure everyone in congress was a proponent of the war too, my point was that your comments about Bush's vacations were no more truthful than Obama's vacations.
  6. You know I watched a special on NatGeo the other night, about Airforce one. And love him or hate him, George Dubyah, secretly left his family on thanksgiving and flew covertly to Iraq for an unannounced visit to the troops on Thanksgiving in 2003 in Baghdad at the height of the war. So if he took a few vacations oh well, I think it pails in comparison to Obama's trip to Hawaii a few days before the election, date night in New York, Trip to Martha's vineyard, and his countless stops across the world on his Apology World Tour.
  7. gitmo is still open and he just fired or is suppose to fire an advisor to take the fall for not meeting the deadline... http://scienceblogs.com/dispatches/2009/10/greg_craig_ousted_over_gitmo.php
  8. was going to post a funny image about racism and this popped up should say spot the stoner
  9. I hope I win the nobel prize in medicine next year for my research with AIDS. I mean, I don't do research on aids now... hell I don't even do research period. But I do have a degree in bio, so there's the POTENTIAL someday for me to do good things with research.
  10. nice! take a picture of the beam projection and post it up
  11. dmagicglock

    2010 vfr

    I'd have to see it in black, but that headlight is terrible...
  12. I remember when dodge was running those "hemi" commercials every 5 minutes... My truck was the newer body style but had the older 5.9L v8 and every hillbilly that I saw would always go "is it got a hemi in it!?" Be prepared to answer that question a lot
  13. don't know why but saw this and thought it was hilarious (in a so stupid its funny way) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyVd4dqfT-8
  14. I don't know how the one in columbus is... but the one in dayton was filled with drunks and a lot of hot skanks.. oh and really good calzones and stromboli's.
  15. I had an issue with my lug nuts on my 02 dodge ram with the factory 20's. Other than a fuel vapor hose, I didn't have any issues with it at all. I miss that rig, fun to drive, especially in the winter.
  16. that is hilarious! she must have thought your camera flash was a "sunlight machine" and you controlled mother nature and it really freaked her out
  17. first off, congratulations! nothing wrong with a daddy's girl, my little girl likes me more (but my wife will never admit it )
  18. I know I've seen that and i'm like wtf... i can't believe his bike hasn't sold yet (i better sell mine while I can!)
  19. well talked to the guy today and I'm gonna go ahead and meet up with him tomorrow (weather pending) and sell it for $5500 cash. Thank you for all those that voted, thats 100 more than what I had posted so that leaves some money left over for cheaper hookers and little bit of blow.
  20. I was being silly cause west side of dayton has super high crime rate... What book on audio? wasn't them vampire sookie stackhouse novels was it? My wife listens to those while she's driving for work... (vampires ruined my life) oh God I'll save this for another thread. Anyways, good luck with getting that CD out.
  21. I can't believe urban meyer would let tebow play... that was a ridiculous concussion that caused him to vomit. I know he's hungry for another national title, but he gets hit pretty hard (and I'm pretty sure LSU's defense is going to gun for him) you might ruin his career or at least the rest of his senior year. I feel LSU might win this weekend regardless of who starts for florida because the whole tebow thing has been such a distraction for their team. I think OSU will win against wisconsin, because they haven't had any quality wins and their 5-0 is luck. I just hope pryor gives up on trying to be a pocket passer.
  22. take it down to west side of dayton, pay someone 5 bucks and they'll pop out the whole unit for you in five minutes!
  23. Ah I'm selling it cause I don't have any time to ride it with a new baby. I'll probably get another motorcycle in a couple years when my daughters a little older. The KBB is $6535.
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