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Everything posted by dmagicglock

  1. new upperstay I'm guessing is about $120 new fairings $500 exhaust (i'm not sure) helmet no more than $200 unless you're rocking a shoei or suomy Also your bike is a 2004, so like likwid said they're going to give you the cost to replace those parts on fair market value and at least with cars, they can replace with used (like new) parts after a vehicle is 2 years old or certified aftermarket parts. I don't work for an insurance company tho'... so I don't know for sure, but you never know, they often times don't know as much about motorcycles as they do about cars and I've seen them total out bikes that could be fixed for about 1k if you were good at shopping on ebay.
  2. its kind of a double edged sword with China tho'. they're so invested in America because of our debt that if we fail so does their "investment". But I agree with you about them positioning themselves for economic superiority.
  3. I'd say its less than 1k dollars dmg, but whats your deductible?
  4. " a part third world with a twist of honkey" pretty funny! i'd rep you but it'll have to wait till tomorrow
  5. did you have your firearm with you in the bar? just curious if that would lead to the sentencing time or if it was just for what they deemed felonious assault. Sorry to get up in your business, just curious.
  6. I do think we should annex canada... mexico... half of mexico already lives here illegally so add them to the list too I guess?
  7. another QFTW brought to you by "that dude"
  8. maybe it was the guy from your bar fight? jk sorry to hear about your bike... people are dicks, you can't have something nice sometimes without someone wanting to thrash your shit. When I was in college some dickbag down the street knocked over my buddys ninja and did a couple hundred bucks of damage. Anyways, GL with the insurance company.
  9. well I know we get most from canada, but we still get a decent amount from the Saudis and Venezuela (which I find funny considering our relation with Hugo Chavez) we also get it from angola, Iraq and nigeria. Aside from canada, these are all members of OPEC. I said UAE in my first post, but I meant OPEC because they typically try to control market price of oil. I also find it funny we sell a lot of our oil instead of using it ourselves. I guess we can sell it for more than what we buy it from someone else for?
  10. Yeah I went back through the thread and saw this. When it was first posted I was like ohhh man I can't believe they got sold out, cause I thought that would cause everyone else to neg rep you, but instead you were the victim not the assailant. I knew "the todd" was above that kind of behavior. "I'm sorry for not trusting the todd better five"
  11. I heard the IMF is going to push the Euro on Britian and get rid of the Pound. If thats the case, I think you'll see the dollar crash for sure.
  12. yeah you can get great stuff on ebay at good price. Just check the persons feedback and the product you're buying. OEM is OEM no matter where you buy it. I've also bought yamaha parts from Ebay from Yamaha dealers in other states that closeout stuff online they can't move in their store. Saved me 30% or more from ordering it through my local yamaha dealer or from a reseller's website.
  13. just auto, not everything... there's not THAT big of a difference in MPG from ethanol to gas... I wouldn't mind getting 2-3 mpg less to the gallon, just to say F you to OPEC
  14. You can always have your rotors machined to help get rid of the grooves. Ebay is often your best friend when ordering parts (you could prolly find those wave rotors for purdy cheap too) or just search for stock ones. I'm not a brake expert and I don't know the stock width of a vmax rotor, but you can always have your friend look at it and see if it needs replaced, or compare it to one of your harley buddy's bikes, to at least give you an idea. Congrats on the ride, be safe out there and when it comes to brakes I wouldn't spare any expense because you're talking about your safety... and being a new rider there's a good chance you'll end up locking them up and you don't want to fishtail (not trying to scare ya) just trying to give you good advice. Good luck!
  15. if you hit enter twice that should put a space between your paragraphs
  16. I heard china is buying up all that Gold now too... I say F the UAE and lets switch over completely to ethanol like brazil
  17. you sonz of bitches... I hit 1k posts, officially become an e-dork and you try and take away the one thing that has meaning for me...
  18. as long as we get free healthcare, who cares what happens to the dollar
  19. maybe he's talking about your dubs?
  20. I'd return the rep but I gotta wait 24 hours
  21. ....negative rep someone and sign it with someone else's name!
  22. hmm i've never maxed out for rep in a day.. I didn't think I was such a stingy rep asshole normally
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