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Everything posted by dmagicglock

  1. i heart bob evans... wish it wasn't so far away... I'm not trying to win any iron ass awards
  2. Okay so I've had my bike listed for sale for quite some time and had quite a few low ball offers but today I met up with a guy to show him my r6 and he wants to go ahead and buy it, but I'm not sure if I should sell it based on his offer. I finally lowered my price to $5700 on craigslist and he's wanting to give me around $5400 for it.... So I'm making this a poll question to get your guys (and gals) input. Should I stand my ground and say no lower than $5700 because I feel thats giving it away already? Or should I consider the market conditions and gladly take his offer of $5400...? (bike is 2006 r6 3650 miles, ext warranty, a few mods)
  3. you mess around with xray crystallography? very cool!
  4. Sam Adams octoberfest is the bomb! Don't order it at a restaurant tho, its like 5 bucks a pint Leinenkugel is the most disgusting shit I've ever tasted... fwiw It was almost as bad as warsteiner (sorry for those of you that like this german beer, I just cant get into it)
  5. thats funny you mention landshark, I've been wanting to try it, since my dolphins stadium is now named after jimmy buffets beer...
  6. i wish I was but I'm fresh out... tonight would be a good night for a jack and coke
  7. dmagicglock


    I hope your halloween party 09 pictures are just as good as the 08's...
  8. word up G on opec setting the prices... just cause we maybe diversified in our buying doesn't mean they don't set the price for the market cause they supply it to the rest of the world.
  9. I don't have any retention locks on my hoslters (some might say its not safe) I just wanna be able to play the way I practice I guess... But I've tried out some retention holsters and they don't slow you down that much, especially if the lock is located where you're putting pressure to draw your gun out anyways.
  10. http://www.epa.gov/MTBE/ its suppose to help oxygenate gasoline, but it has a lot more harmful effects than positive ones if you ask me... there's better oxygenators out there, I think because its economical and cheap to reproduce its become the standard (and now that people make a lot of money off producing it, they also lobby to make sure it keeps getting produced). The government would also lose a lot of tax revenue "The price of ethanol in most studies is assumed to be the market price, which includes the 54 cents per gallon Federal excise tax exemption. The addition of 100,000 barrels per day of ethanol to the gasoline pool would reduce Federal excise tax revenues by about $800 million per year.(5)" http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/steo/pub/special/mtbe.html
  11. I have a couple blackhawk holsters that I really like. And now that its getting colder, I just wear a light jacket to cover my gun and it doesn't leave an imprint of my weapon on my jacket (advertising that I'm carrying).
  12. I can't believe you would post this! you're lucky you can see who leaves neg rep now...
  13. "if you ain't first yer last" -ricky bobby
  14. I just wanna see "busahauty's" user cp, I left her so much negative rep... and I know I wasn't the only one.
  15. fwiw if you buy a shoulder holster, I would practice drawing your gun from there. Maybe even go to an outdoor range and practice. Some people go this route for concealment purposes, but stumble with drawing from them in real world applications. Good luck with your search!
  16. I wonder if people will be bigger "e-dicks" now that you can see who leaves you negative rep. Kind of like a "go ahead, neg rep me.. I dare you, now I can see who did it" sort of thing. Anonymous neg rep was almost like a silent enforcer of "don't be a douche". Although it would allow other people to be "douches" in leave said neg rep
  17. I just wish they'd quit putting MTBE in our gas, biggest scam ever! did you know its the largest mass produced chemical in the U.S.
  18. pretty much all insurance companies will cut you a check for the damages based upon their estimate. You can go to a dealership and get an estimate from them on cost to fix (which will usually be higher than the insurance companies) and then haggle with the amount they're going to pay you. Once they determine the amount, the insurance company cuts you the check. You don't even have to have your bike fixed if you don't want to, you can just take the money and run so to speak. But once you cash the check, you agree to their estimate and any additional costs wouldn't be covered. Its your responsibility from then to pay the dealership or body shop repairing your bike.
  19. I've read that too, but when you blend it with gasoline in lower concentrations, it actually removes water from the line because it increases the burning temperature.
  20. this is the thread that won't die... and I love it
  21. its okay I went to (w)right state wrong university
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